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Tim and Kelsey get lost..
Wow, that was idiotic and sad.
Something about that just seemed wrong.

Scott Brady

As a hunter, I just cannot see the value or ethics in shooting a predator (there are times when it is justified, but not for sport).

Taking a deer, or elk, etc. for sport and food completely makes sense to me.

I would think hunters would see the courtesy in not shooting another "hunter".

edit: Of course, just my opinion.


Expedition Leader
I think calling these schmucks hunters is giving them too much credit.

You're right, Spike, this video did put me in a bad mood.

I'm just sorry that the lion didn't get that one fellow. After determining that these guys wouldn't let him retreat, that was quite a sight to see that the lion wasn't going to back down.


Only predators I have killed have been 2 coyotes and 1 bobcat.
Coyotes were in our chickens, and the bobcat and I had a great misunderstanding in the barn one morning over a deer I had hanging. I have hunted with hawks and falcons off and on for most of my life, and love to watch predators in the wild. Guys like this should have their *** tied to the ground in a hyena cage.
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Expedition Leader
My buddy kept finding his guinies and chickens with no heads, the body completey intact??? He sat up one night and he shot this huge owl, which turned out to be protected. The owl was beautiful. Huge claws, beautiful feathers... We realized it was killing chickens that we paid 50 cents for at the sale. :violent-smiley-031: Truely a shame. I don't know why it was killing the chickens, not for food anyway.


Those guys were at best wreckless and poor shots. Did you see them panic and shoot their weopons when the cat was in their midst? They are lucky they didn't shoot each other. Besides, what a beautiful animal to get wasted like that. The real power is sighting in an animal like that an NOT pulling the trigger. I would love to just shoot pictures of it and carry a rifle or large side arm for safety and be careful to avoid provoking an animal like they did.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for hunter's rights, but don't the big cats have enough trouble surviving without men killing them, too?



That video has been floating around the internet for well over a year. Still stupid. It's probably an old lion that the game farm bought from a zoo and so it's toothless and clawless to boot.


Day walker, Overland Certified OC0013
I've got a rule (just for myself) that I don't kill, wear or use any part of an animal that I won't eat. I don't know about anybody else, but I'm not keen to taste lion:smilies27 Thank goodness they seem to feel the same about me!


I knew better, but I clicked on it anyways.

Stupid me, I didn't need to see that.

I guess I'll go upstairs and have a beer now.


expeditionswest said:
As a hunter, I just cannot see the value or ethics in shooting a predator (there are times when it is justified, but not for sport).

Taking a deer, or elk, etc. for sport and food completely makes sense to me.

I would think hunters would see the courtesy in not shooting another "hunter".

edit: Of course, just my opinion.

I suppose that depends on whether or not you plan to eat it. I have stalked and shot a mountain lion, which made very good chorizo by the way. I hunt for the sport AND the meat, whether it be deer or lion.
I wouldn't go to Africa and hunt a lion, unless I could eat it.

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