Hummer Picture Thread

Raul B

The H1 wagon hummer is my dream vehicle. but im curious as to why there are soo many haters of the H2 and H3. I also see a lot more H3's on here then H2's. The only downfall i see of the H2's is fuel economy.

Chris Cordes

Expedition Leader
The width and MPG are big issues. The H2 is a little too big and oddly proportioned to be effective in many cases. But that all depends on what you're looking for. Every vehicle has its place including the H2. The H3 is just a lot more practical in most cases.

People hate the H2 and H3 because its easy to do. People love a stereotype and its just easy to point fingers at a Range Rover Sport, H3, H2, Gwagen etc and say look I bet it never leaves the pavement! And all their less than savvy friends laugh and agree because it makes them "cool" to be part of the group. Hummer drivers hate on jeep drivers, jeep drivers hate on hummers and land rovers, and land rover owners hate on everyone haha. Its all very high school clique. The truth is that almost all of these vehicles can be very capable and they all have their strong suits and weak points. Anyone who tells you otherwise has probably never driven the vehicles they're making fun of.

Raul B

The width and MPG are big issues. The H2 is a little too big and oddly proportioned to be effective in many cases. But that all depends on what you're looking for. Every vehicle has its place including the H2. The H3 is just a lot more practical in most cases.

People hate the H2 and H3 because its easy to do. People love a stereotype and its just easy to point fingers at a Range Rover Sport, H3, H2, Gwagen etc and say look I bet it never leaves the pavement! And all their less than savvy friends laugh and agree because it makes them "cool" to be part of the group. Hummer drivers hate on jeep drivers, jeep drivers hate on hummers and land rovers, and land rover owners hate on everyone haha. Its all very high school clique. The truth is that almost all of these vehicles can be very capable and they all have their strong suits and weak points. Anyone who tells you otherwise has probably never driven the vehicles they're making fun of.

I already drive a full size truck so the width isnt a factor for me since its purposed built to get me to a camping spot and not rock crawling. I hear they only get about 9-10mpg which is very little. even my truck fully loaded up will get about 16mpg.

I lo


I already drive a full size truck so the width isnt a factor for me since its purposed built to get me to a camping spot and not rock crawling. I hear they only get about 9-10mpg which is very little. even my truck fully loaded up will get about 16mpg.

I lo

My H2 with 37" tires and a roof rack gets 10 or so around town. On the freeway, towing my M101A3 at 55mph I get 11.5-12. On the freeway without the trailer cruising at my usual 75+ I get 10.5 or so. YMMV, literally.

There are diesel conversions for the H2 which will get you 18mpg. They aren't cheap and if you do it solely for gas mileage improvement, your payback is 15+ years.


New member
Target practice at the base of Epp's Pass in the Washington State Cascades. My 2010 H3T Alpha Offroad, just turned 27k:



The width and MPG are big issues. The H2 is a little too big and oddly proportioned to be effective in many cases. But that all depends on what you're looking for. Every vehicle has its place including the H2. The H3 is just a lot more practical in most cases.

People hate the H2 and H3 because its easy to do. People love a stereotype and its just easy to point fingers at a Range Rover Sport, H3, H2, Gwagen etc and say look I bet it never leaves the pavement! And all their less than savvy friends laugh and agree because it makes them "cool" to be part of the group. Hummer drivers hate on jeep drivers, jeep drivers hate on hummers and land rovers, and land rover owners hate on everyone haha. Its all very high school clique. The truth is that almost all of these vehicles can be very capable and they all have their strong suits and weak points. Anyone who tells you otherwise has probably never driven the vehicles they're making fun of.

That's funny.
My H3

my Land Rover, 300 tdi diesel

my Jeep

(flexing, of course)

my Land Cruiser

my pickup

I make fun of all of you.... However, I lol'd at your comment because the biggest group of haters is the Land Rover community... 3 different forums and you'd think I killed Santa Claus (he's already dead, I didn't do it) when I told them I was going to TDI my D2.
the nicest group is a tie between H4O (hummer) and IH8MUD - Land Cruisers... both groups couldn't care less what I drive... the Jeep folks, they're still all twitterpated about Jeeps having coil springs... it's okay, I have a tire cover for them - says "Jeeps are for girls"... that I put on my H3. :)

frankly, I think the issue is this - H3s are, at their foundation, chevy small trucks (lots of differences, but that's the starting parts bin), and FJ40s are the same - though Toyota stole from other's parts bins to build it (predominately Land Rover and GM) it's hard to put on an ego when the foundation is someone else's parts bin. The Brits lost their empire years ago, and are still smarting over it - so anything that diminishes their beloved ______ is the source of angst.... Jeeps are for people without skills or imagination because anyone can build a Jeep.
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David Hunter

New member
My previous post.

A bit of an update as time goes by I got 74,000 miles on the H3 and planning another Humabout.

I thought I would add in some information towards Exploration and Overlanding the H3.

Since I don't do much "muddin" a couple years ago I searched for some aggressive deep tread all terrain.

Pulled from my build thread on one of the Hummer sites.

285 Cooper STMAXX with the armor tech carcass.
The 315 Cooper STT that came on the used Hutchinsons I bought have finally mostly worn down. 3 might be ok. They no longer make this tire.
I wanted more rubber on the road with siping and studs if I want and more rubber on slick rock. The Cooper STMAXX does not come in 315. I was going to get ******** Cepek (owned now by Mickey Thompson) and made by cooper 315's FCII. There was at that time a low stock. I got a better deal and decided to go with the "STMAXX" for this winter and drop back to 285 to maybe get better mpg and less stress on other components. I wrote this somewhere else but needs to be in my build. I held out for the 285 for a long time until I had the opportunity to run the ones I got with the wheels.
After a long day, I got to run these tonight and they first are waaaay less loud, I actually turned down the XM on the concrete freeway, not roar. Seems to handle flatter in curves, probably a bit less high center of gravity and of course new soft rubber.
Factoid, my worn down 315's I jacked up just enough to get them off, I had to raise the jack several pumps to get the new 285's on. Lots of tread.
Stacked up it's hard to see the 1.5 inch difference or 3/4 more clearance in the 315. I know it WAS there.
These are not much lighter, I need to check the weight.


New 285 on top of old worn 315.

I will add this as well to show some of us H3 guys do take this Overlanding serious. It may give some generic ideas to those that are preparing to take whatever vehicle they have on an extended trip.

edited some 10/29/11 after my trip to Yellowstone. Trying to see what can be cut. I was a bit heavy, again. Nobody has guessed how much gross weight was. I add 200lbs, guess too much Moose Drool micro beer and Elk burgers?

"In progress"
I hit the high spots not all the individual personal items.

This stuff is either bolted on are carried all the time, not an option to be removed.

64 lbs Brush guard winch mount, rollers
124 lb Rocky Rails
34 lb UCP + some new plates
28 lb Hi Lift with big base for soft ground or sand
3 lb? Shovel (scale did not read)
56 lb Rola roof rack with extension
3 cross bars
17 lb Hunner skids
115 lbs Warn Power Plant
10 lb Computer mount
2 lb Toshiba 12" laptop
5 lb Tail Light guards
458 lbs total
need to add over spare rack, loaded and unloaded
This stuff is either bolted on are carried all the time.

Recovery Gear Bag

2" strap
3" strap
-Jerk strap with fittings
tree saver strap
4 shackles (Trail Duty)
Warn snatch block (2)
Cable gloves
cable end shackle
Thimbles and cable clamps

Total aprox 44 lbs.

Ready Bag

First Aid Kit
3 size flashlights
head gear light
winch control
air hose and chuck (I have a Warn power plant winch/compressor)
tire gauge
Off skeeter repellent hi deet
fire ext 2
2 ratchet straps
fire stick
night scope (to watch for the enemy) (or help)
Total 17 lbs

Stuff Bag

Limb saw
trailer wire adapter
trailer to 12v accessory
20 penlight batteries
4 D cell
4 C cell
FRS radios and charger
spare ralley light covers (law in some states)
spare head light bulbs

Total 14 lbs

Large tools and parts Bag

Crow bar (to pry gas tank shield away from drive shaft and in field body work )
1/2 torque wrench
serpentine belt
2 inner 1 outer tie rod (I don't use them but somebody might)
I have an option should I tear up a Heim or other failure of the BP components these could be fitted.
set 1/2" drive deep sockets
set open/box wrenches some duplicate and ratchet ends
large up to big really big wrenches for steering
1 long extra rack hyd line
1 modded short flex line
2 extra rack brackets and bushings
steering gear rack
two quarts power steering blood
12 pipe wrench (for tie rods)
5qts oil,filter, funnel (for water crossing!) just in case
spare air filter (they don't work well when wet)
Edit to add in weight of CV shaft spare. Two actually, so I can share.
2 jugs Dex cool

Total aprox. 53 lbs

Just shows how fast "stuff" adds up. In years past in other vehicles all of that was either needed by me or someone else or is projected to be needed to return to someplace if more help is needed.

I took off on the last trip
85 lbs extra winch
80 lbs second spare and rim
150 lbs passenger
5 gallon fuel can
5 gallon water

My black Tool Pak is full of standard and not standard H3 specific tools and multi-purpose compact tools that has developed over many years of "what works" and covers most repairs. The bigger tools for tie rod repair and steering and suspension adjustment I only carry on out of town trips.
I will post the contents of the Tool Pak someday in all my spare time It holds an amazing assortment in a soft bag easy for storing.








This rides on the front when I go alone or with one other vehicle into unknown places, especially where there are no trees, like the Mojave. Sometimes I carry two aprox. 16 lbs. each need to add that in as needed
That is considered the heavy artillary instead of tools and spares, like the rear winch. Ya don't know whatcha don't know. I have not walked out of anywhere...........yet? I have some sand bridges I can use but thought that might be overkill after reading up on the Mojave.


I guess if you count heavy stuff the 1 extra battery in the dual battery set up could go here also.

I need to add weight of Hutchinsons and rock rings and Cooper 315's total pkg 135 lbs each of course minus what any wheels and tires would weigh anyway. Just a reference.

Last time was 6080 lbs. gross weight is supposed to be 6001 lbs. I'm going to have to figure out what it weighs now and trim some fat!!! I think it was about 5620 actual curb weight before I started modding.
I exceeded that on my Yellowstone trip even after cutting some stuff.

To be continued and updated.......
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Autism Family Travellers!
My previous post.

A bit of an update as time goes by I got 74,000 miles on the H3 and planning another Humabout.

I thought I would add in some information towards Exploration and Overlanding the H3.

Since I don't do much "muddin" a couple years ago I searched for some aggressive deep tread all terrain.

Pulled from my build thread on one of the Hummer sites.

285 Cooper STMAXX with the armor tech carcass.
The 315 Cooper STT that came on the used Hutchinsons I bought have finally mostly worn down. 3 might be ok. They no longer make this tire.
I wanted more rubber on the road with siping and studs if I want and more rubber on slick rock. The Cooper STMAXX does not come in 315. I was going to get ******** Cepek (owned now by Mickey Thompson) and made by cooper 315's FCII. There was at that time a low stock. I got a better deal and decided to go with the "STMAXX" for this winter and drop back to 285 to maybe get better mpg and less stress on other components. I wrote this somewhere else but needs to be in my build. I held out for the 285 for a long time until I had the opportunity to run the ones I got with the wheels.
After a long day, I got to run these tonight and they first are waaaay less loud, I actually turned down the XM on the concrete freeway, not roar. Seems to handle flatter in curves, probably a bit less high center of gravity and of course new soft rubber.
Factoid, my worn down 315's I jacked up just enough to get them off, I had to raise the jack several pumps to get the new 285's on. Lots of tread.
Stacked up it's hard to see the 1.5 inch difference or 3/4 more clearance in the 315. I know it WAS there.
These are not much lighter, I need to check the weight.


New 285 on top of old worn 315.

I will add this as well to show some of us H3 guys do take this Overlanding serious. It may give some generic ideas to those that are preparing to take whatever vehicle they have on an extended trip.

edited some 10/29/11 after my trip to Yellowstone. Trying to see what can be cut. I was a bit heavy, again. Nobody has guessed how much gross weight was. I add 200lbs, guess too much Moose Drool micro beer and Elk burgers?

"In progress"
I hit the high spots not all the individual personal items.

This stuff is either bolted on are carried all the time, not an option to be removed.

64 lbs Brush guard winch mount, rollers
124 lb Rocky Rails
34 lb UCP + some new plates
28 lb Hi Lift with big base for soft ground or sand
3 lb? Shovel (scale did not read)
56 lb Rola roof rack with extension
3 cross bars
17 lb Hunner skids
115 lbs Warn Power Plant
10 lb Computer mount
2 lb Toshiba 12" laptop
5 lb Tail Light guards
458 lbs total
need to add over spare rack, loaded and unloaded
This stuff is either bolted on are carried all the time.

Recovery Gear Bag

2" strap
3" strap
-Jerk strap with fittings
tree saver strap
4 shackles (Trail Duty)
Warn snatch block (2)
Cable gloves
cable end shackle
Thimbles and cable clamps

Total aprox 44 lbs.

Ready Bag

First Aid Kit
3 size flashlights
head gear light
winch control
air hose and chuck (I have a Warn power plant winch/compressor)
tire gauge
Off skeeter repellent hi deet
fire ext 2
2 ratchet straps
fire stick
night scope (to watch for the enemy) (or help)
Total 17 lbs

Stuff Bag

Limb saw
trailer wire adapter
trailer to 12v accessory
20 penlight batteries
4 D cell
4 C cell
FRS radios and charger
spare ralley light covers (law in some states)
spare head light bulbs

Total 14 lbs

Large tools and parts Bag

Crow bar (to pry gas tank shield away from drive shaft and in field body work )
1/2 torque wrench
serpentine belt
2 inner 1 outer tie rod (I don't use them but somebody might)
I have an option should I tear up a Heim or other failure of the BP components these could be fitted.
set 1/2" drive deep sockets
set open/box wrenches some duplicate and ratchet ends
large up to big really big wrenches for steering
1 long extra rack hyd line
1 modded short flex line
2 extra rack brackets and bushings
steering gear rack
two quarts power steering blood
12 pipe wrench (for tie rods)
5qts oil,filter, funnel (for water crossing!) just in case
spare air filter (they don't work well when wet)
Edit to add in weight of CV shaft spare. Two actually, so I can share.
2 jugs Dex cool

Total aprox. 53 lbs

Just shows how fast "stuff" adds up. In years past in other vehicles all of that was either needed by me or someone else or is projected to be needed to return to someplace if more help is needed.

I took off on the last trip
85 lbs extra winch
80 lbs second spare and rim
150 lbs passenger
5 gallon fuel can
5 gallon water

My black Tool Pak is full of standard and not standard H3 specific tools and multi-purpose compact tools that has developed over many years of "what works" and covers most repairs. The bigger tools for tie rod repair and steering and suspension adjustment I only carry on out of town trips.
I will post the contents of the Tool Pak someday in all my spare time It holds an amazing assortment in a soft bag easy for storing.








This rides on the front when I go alone or with one other vehicle into unknown places, especially where there are no trees, like the Mojave. Sometimes I carry two aprox. 16 lbs. each need to add that in as needed
That is considered the heavy artillary instead of tools and spares, like the rear winch. Ya don't know whatcha don't know. I have not walked out of anywhere...........yet? I have some sand bridges I can use but thought that might be overkill after reading up on the Mojave.


I guess if you count heavy stuff the 1 extra battery in the dual battery set up could go here also.

I need to add weight of Hutchinsons and rock rings and Cooper 315's total pkg 135 lbs each of course minus what any wheels and tires would weigh anyway. Just a reference.

Last time was 6080 lbs. gross weight is supposed to be 6001 lbs. I'm going to have to figure out what it weighs now and trim some fat!!! I think it was about 5620 actual curb weight before I started modding.
I exceeded that on my Yellowstone trip even after cutting some stuff.

To be continued and updated.......

Awesome rig! I only make fun of the mall crawlers and toyotas. ha ha. Your hummer is spot on in my books! awesome rig!

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