Humvee command vehicle


How's this for an expedition vehicle base?



its 28v, the motor is a POS, needs way to much maintance, MPGs SUCK!!!! desgined for JP8, a little more bang than normal Diesel fuel. Umm, no real way to upgrade much, Tie Rod ends are used in the front and rear. to keep the wheels straight. And its not a very comftorable ride, all that said i beat the hell out of my 998 daily and it cranks over everytime.. for the most part.

oh yea get slave cables

Ron B

maybe look at a civi version and put an ambulance body or Helmet top on it?

Humvees can be difficult to register and are missing a lot of the comforts/safety features we all take for ac, padded dash, 24v instead of 12v, cruising over 60 mph, etc... This truck has the old-school 8 bolt rims which are bias'd need to upgrade to the 12 bolt rims. It had tie-rods on all four corners because it's independent suspension. It has portal axles which are great. And yes a stiff ride...but nothing compared to the offroad vehicles I've owned in the past. Humvees aren't great at anything, but they are good at everything.

As far as maintenance...sure, if you beat up a 10 year old truck in the middle of the desert, over-load it and drive it like a bat outta hell -- yes you will need a motor-pool to support you. I have good luck with my 97 (except the next point...

The down side of all humvees and civi hummers is the gm engine. Alot of parts available because they are everywhere, but over-all not the best engine, the td versions have had many problems over the years. AM-General went with the 6.2 and the 6.5 in the beginning because of it's relatively small size -- helps to retain ground clearance and not get too tall with the roof.

Scott Brady

The primary function of an expedition vehicle is to transport you safely and reliably on your journey. That truck will not do that.

I can see the appeal of the ambulance military vehicles, as they address many of the requirements we have in a camper-based vehicle, but you may want to consider looking at a K model Pinz or Mog.
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Ron B

You are right, that truck as it sits will not be reliable...but if restored to proper working order and updated as many trucks here are, I think a humvee would be fine anywhere. Especially in North America where parts are easy to come by. They are easy to fix, and a well maintained truck is very reliable. Most hummers aren't well maintained -- the type who usually bought them new aren't exactly the do-it-yourselfer type (so we second/third owners are stuck fixing what they neglected). What makes me nervous about my truck is the computer/pmd/turbo -- I'd be infinitely more comfy on a long distance trip with a 6.5n/a or a cummins swap. 95% of the time a hummer is in the shop for that reason (the other 5% is because of the owner's head swelling and getting stuck inside). Knock on swelling ego or computer probs yet.

As far as taking it abroad...I don't think I'd want to do that unless I was with at least one more truck and a lot of spare parts!



Wow, sounds like Humvees aren't practical for expeditioning unless you get the right one. They do look cool as hell though. :sombrero:

BTW, I wouldn't buy one, I just posted it for discussion.
I'll stick with my XJ and radio controlled HMMWV... but maybe I should mod it into an ambulance/command vehicle.


Ron B

the radio controlled one will be much cheaper to maintain!!

I like the hummer/humvee to run trails and do rock crawling...someday I'd love a landie 110 to cruise the world in. A friend I wheel with has a hummer alpha (d-max) a d-90 and a 110. He'd be a great guy to get unbiased comparisons from. I'll ask him next time I see him. He'll probably feel the same way.


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