Average fuel mpg is 12.5
top speed is 75
fun factor is 100%
Noise level is Whatttttttttt?
capability is 100%
No lift 39” tires
16+ inches ground clearance
87inxh wide under 6 ft hight ( yeah try to roll )
reliability is military grade
Load range is more than anything in its class,
tow capability is 6000lb high Range
About 20.000 on low range
Total cost of the vehicle including 6.5 TD
4L80e and HD242 t case and controllers and bunch or other work is near 29.000 dollar, that if work is done by Yourself A 2 Z,
For those of you that think this Humvee won’t fit ur local trail I’ll tell you this ,
99% of the 4x4 accident death is caused by roll over,
When I compare H1/ Humvee to my 2017 Tacoma it’s like comparing African rhino to sheep.
Tacoma is a joke.