I’m still not happy


Well-known member
I have heard nothing but the sound of crickets from Camping World.
Quit crying, it is not about you, listen to the news, this is the new normal and until a vaccine is developed and distributed it won't get better.
Unbelievable you are really upset over some camping supplies ? And you are from New York ?

The CEO at Boeing says it'll be 3 to 5 years before any recovery starts.


Man On a Mission
Went to buy some Tremclad Gloss Black Paint in RONA last week, none on the shelf. When I asked the girl said "I ordered 185 items, they shipped 50".
Went to buy a few shirts, in 5 stores I found 2 in my size.
Welcome to the new world.

Until people feel confident and safe going to work I doubt anything will improve.
Funny thing was when I ordered those CD's from the US, I also ordered a load of Baffin and Sorel Boots from the US and they were here in under a week, And I ordered something 50 miles away and it took 10 days to get here,

With all of the above it just goes to show how mixed up things are at the moment, It's a crazy world out there and when people settle down normal service will be resumed, LOL (y)


Active member
I know a guy that works in shipping for a vendor. He told me that in March, they could sent out as many packages as they wanted (FedEx). By May 1, they were told by FedEx they could only pick up 60 items a day. By June 1 that had dropped to 40 a day. They switched to the big brown trucks, they are being throttled now, too. The only carrier that I get stuff from reliably is USPS. I've stopped ordering from vendors that ship FedEx, not because of the delays I've mentioned, but because they are - in my case - so unreliable it is infuriating. I had a package that was in "delivery exception - address doesn't exist or cannot be found" for 7 consecutive delivery days, yet in that same period I got 3 other deliveries from FedEx as scheduled. When it did arrive, it was delivered in a Ryder truck that was filthy and had a broken windshield. I've had consistent issues with them for the last 7 years, at least 50% of my items show up 3 or more days late, partly due to their shipping software. We share a ZIP code with 5 other towns, even if I do a +FOUR ZIP, they list it as the wrong town. Some vendors allow me to change it, if they don't, I won't order. The town that is the "main" ZIP is on a different delivery route than my little town, I've seen the driver's delivery sheet for the day, it has the wrong town on it, if they don't look at the actual label, it won't get delivered, and it is never the same driver week-to-week. I have zero confidence in them. UPS is pretty good, partially because the guy on the route has been the same since I moved here 7 years ago. He comes in the same 30 minute window every day, and even those Surepost deliveries that are supposed to go to USPS to be delivered, he will skip the middleman and bring to me.

TL: DR - things are tough all over, if you need it ASAP, good luck with that.


Well-known member
Funny thing was when I ordered those CD's from the US, I also ordered a load of Baffin and Sorel Boots from the US and they were here in under a week, And I ordered something 50 miles away and it took 10 days to get here,

With all of the above it just goes to show how mixed up things are at the moment, It's a crazy world out there and when people settle down normal service will be resumed, LOL (y)
yep, the new normal for the next few years


SE Expedition Society
Amazon's been getting here in one or two days. And my FedEx/UPS has been right on time too.
UPS did misplace 19 packages for the business next to ours though.


This week UPS has been running on schedule, one of my my 2-4 day fedex packages took a full week but a USPS package that was scheduled for Monday arrived today!

I have had random issues with all three UPS, FEDEX and USPS since this began. The issues are grouped into three areas delays at the shipper, delays enroute, and delivery delays.

Some of the routing I have seen makes no sense almost like the sorting facilities are loading truck without reading the label.

I think the delivery delays are related to staffing. If our usual driver gets the package it gets delivered but if that person is off or it gets into the hands of a temp it ends up in limbo.

I don’t know if the companies have software issues but sometimes we get multiple deliveries from the same carrier each day and sometimes it’s one delivery with multiple packages.

As far as shipping goes one of my friends did have issues with all three until he setup pallet pickup. Now a box truck picks up entire pallets of packages
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Well-known member
Totally average performance is now 5 stars- adjust your expectations accordingly.
Or go binary, win some, loose some.
The childhood you lived in until March is over.

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