Holy necroposting Batman! Replying to posts from 2008 rocks.
Personally, I've been an outdoorsman for 50 years - started at age 6 in Cub Scouts in Denver - but I've never considered myself a "sportsman".
I hunted and fished quite a bit when I was younger, but only to acquire the skills and become competent; neither one was something I really enjoyed all that much aside from being outdoors.
I don't have any problems with the killing - pretty much every species on this planet survives by digesting other species (recycling molecules). Im one of them. If I get hungry enough, I'll chase Bambi down and beat her to death with a club. Or set a trap to break the little sweety's leg. And to this day I still use my .22 target pistol to shoot cute little bunnies and squirrels if I'm in the mood (and yes, I eat them). Snakes too if they refuse to leave me alone (and if they're big enough, I eat them too). And I do like me some birds, quail especially.
The part about hunting and fishing that really spoils it for me, is the butchering. It's not that I have a weak stomach or anything like that, I don't. No, the problem is, it can feel too much like work.
I don't mind camp chores or dragging a dead log to camp and chopping wood or things like that. Taking small game, birds, or a fish or two, butchering it and making a meal is fine.
But taking larger game turns into something too much like work after you've made the kill. Cutting a deer up into managable chunks and hauling it back home so it can be properly processed and stored (which isn't something I would normally do in camp), and then processing and storing it, is work.
Pretty much the same deal with taking a daily limit of small game or fish.
Oh, if I lived in some remote place, I'd certainly do it to keep the freezer filled.
But I don't, and I do my best to be a lazy bastard as much as possible. So I stick to small game and birds and the occasional fish and only take enough for a meal or two.
And no, I don't give thanks to The Great Spirit or Gaia or the spirit of the animal or any other such foolishness.
I'm a predator.* I don't feel bad about it and I don't apologize for it. But like most predators I'm also lazy, so I don't work at it any harder than I have to.
*(And before some wiseguy gets what he thinks is a witty idea - no, not sexual predator. Being a big tough bastard has usually resulted in women chasing me, rather than me having to chase them.)