I have a snorkel question, could use advice or instruction

I am currently running a Weber 32/36 Carb on my FJ40. When I bought the truck, the PO had a Holley carb on it, (the OEM carb and filter can were not available). I bought a snorkel adapter from Weber, but where in the system line do I add my air fliter?

Do I use the one Weber supplied, or is the Safarai snorkel enough for my carb?
Am I suppose to "fab" a filter box up and waterproof it... if so where in the engine bay should I mount it?

I am just not sure what to use as a filter box, or what air filter I should be using to set this up. Also, could I bypass all of filer issues and WP box by running the Donaldson pre filter head instead of the Safari air ram head?

Tjis is my daily driver?


El Gringo Spectacular!
Some folks add a filter to the end of the snorkel. IIRC K&N makes an oiled "cap" type unit that would fit to the end. I personally haven't liked this look, as the filter is outside the engine bay on the end of an otherwise good looking snorkel. http://www.knfilters.com/

You may try an find an FJ40 air box and run an intake tube from the weber snorkel adapter to the OEM box, then attach the snorkel to it. IIRC the OEM FJ40 (2F) airbox is on the US driver's side (left) of the engine bay. I'm willing to bet you could find one in the classifieds section of www.IH8MUD.com.

I have a complete airbox out of my BJ70; however, as it has the 3B diesel, it is on the US passenger side (right) of the engine bay.

Thanks, i will check that page out. I found a K&N filter and I was wondering if this would be a good size for a daily driver FJ40?

if so, this will fit into a 50 cal. ammo can, which I am already designing to have to pieces of short 3" pipe welded into 2 holes I'm going to cut out.
from the current design I have, the ammo can will mount on the fender of the drivers side of the FJ, and is watertight... the filter will "fit" into the ammo can and with the mod it will allow me to mount both hoses onto the box, esentially giving me a waterproof filter in the system line of my snorkel.

Again, is the above linked filter a good size to run?


That sounds like a good plan. I would stay away from the K&N though, they don't filter that well. It should be easy to go down to a local parts store with a tape measure and find a filter that will fit in the ammo can nice and snug. I would also add some type of drain cock on the bottom to drain rainwater/leakage. Manual or auto, whatever you prefer.....


El Gringo Spectacular!
Well...yes and no. The Safari top has drains that are supposed to allow water to flow down the rear of the top and drain to the outside of the snorkel; however, it doesn't catch all of it.

OEM airboxes (most) have what is commonly known as the "tuna can" on the underside, which has a rubber one-way "valve" wich allows water to drain out of the box, but not get inside should water get in the engine bay.

I'd seriously look at a factory airbox...I bet you could find one for less than the cost to make your own, and it bolts into the factory holes.


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