Gotcha! Very nice. Removing the slides definitely saves even more space. Mine are 4'6" long and I didnt want to worry about dragging that out along the floor, so I sprung for the slides. I minimized the wasted space as best I could.was just wondering, I've posted a bunch about the wasted space in most slide setups and did my own drawer / platform build without any slides at all.
That and I went on a bit about looking for a nice piece of hardwood and carefully cutting all the fascias out of the same piece to maintain a continuous grain just as you have.
Love the idea of using one piece to make drawer fronts and surround to disguise the aluminum tube. You mentioned your OCD and the carpet not matching the bed rug. My OCD says that is not as bad as the aluminum angled braces for the floor mount showing beside that nice finished wood. I would paint them flat black so they are not so apparent when the tailgate is down.
Ha! I look at that as a fuction over form...I'm still an engineer at heart. I need to be able to get into the cubby and that little gusset was the best way to mount the frame rigidly while not taking up too much access space. I could paint it black, but then it wouldnt match the rest of the frame, and that would kill me, ha!