Thank you! And yes, the quality of this camper is amazing. I have ZERO doubt, as you say, of many many years of fun and exploration.
Awesome that you still have yours as well. Seems most keep them a very long time, which speaks volumes.
We find that we like the lower center of gravity and lighter weight. Also, the one piece roof is maintenance free and the fiberglass is easy to clean. If we were to order a new one, we would eliminate oven, stereo, microwave and opt for manual lift and add north south bed which wasn’t available then. We have the wet bath but have never used it (hubby’s idea, not mine) but might be a selling point. Ditto, outside shower. I would have preferred the toilet with tank you dump or composting but the standard porcelain works well. PITA to dump but it is a small tank so doesn’t take long,
Hoping you have many adventures. Here is one of the nastiest toads we have ever driven: 62 miles took us 7 hours. Ruts, washboards, exposed lava, mud wallers, Ugh.