My wife and I have and 11 month old daughter with hopefully more kids coming. We have tried be intentional about getting out, and I think we do pretty good on day trips. Overnight camping trips have turned camping into much more of an ordeal than I imagined possible. When I was single, I could easily make a plan on Friday and after getting off work pick up a few friends in my truck, stop by the store on the way out of town, and have a nice relaxing weekend camping. No so much with kids. I have Frontier crew cab with the short bed, and we tent camp. The first problem is packing the truck. The first couple times out I packed everything in the bed the best I could and then had to cram everything else in the cab around my daughter and wife. I wised up and got a some plastic bins to store it all in. This got most of the stuff out of the cab, but on the last trip I couldn't even get my tailgate shut, so out came the tie down straps. Anyway, I feel like just getting out the door takes way too long. Next comes setting up for the night, my wife normally has to feed my daughter and take care of her needs when we arrive so that leaves me getting everything else set up by myself. When we go to pack up, we start the process all over again. It just seems that the amount of stuff needed to get out with baby increases so much. Seeing as we are not done having kids yet, we could be in this phase for some time, and I can't imagine it gets easier with more kids. What are people's suggestions for streamlining the process of getting out with small kids? Do you just accept that it is just going to more difficult and push through until the kids are bigger and more fully able to take care of themselves? We were determined when we found out we were going to be parents to continue to have adventures and make sure our kids do to, but I can more fully understand why a lot of people just throw their hands up and wait until their kids are older.
Probably the best solution that I have thought of is get a trailer that can store most of our camping gear and eliminate most of the packing and unloading. Then maybe putting a RTT for easier set up. The other possibility is to just go with a pop up trailer as you can normally get a used one for the same price as new RTT alone. Anyway, I am open to other ideas. I just curious as to how others has attempted to still be able to get and enjoy their time while also caring for small children.
Probably the best solution that I have thought of is get a trailer that can store most of our camping gear and eliminate most of the packing and unloading. Then maybe putting a RTT for easier set up. The other possibility is to just go with a pop up trailer as you can normally get a used one for the same price as new RTT alone. Anyway, I am open to other ideas. I just curious as to how others has attempted to still be able to get and enjoy their time while also caring for small children.