Finally actually got the Buell home today after consecutive weeks of blizzards and Friday/Saturday highway closures, combined with additional delay in borrowing a truck. They had it in the showroom in Calgary waiting for me. Magnificent! Not so much seeing it wheeled through the snow to their loading ramp though. They tossed in a polish / wax / care kit, a trickle charger and the straps to haul it home, saying theirs were better than mine. They just gave them to me.
It's a beautiful machine. I looked at it for a long time when I got back. It even smells new (8 km on it). The luggage was unlocked and removed as it won't be needed except for extended travel. I ordered their deluxe tank bag and I still have my slick Joe Rocket tail pack from the previous machine so those two will handle most weekend luggage duties.
Now can we speed up winter now please? :bike_rider: