Icom id-4100a dual band ham radio

Does anyone have any experience with this radio yet? I looking for my first mobile rig, and the 4100a peaked some interest. I like the idea of D start, but I guess I don’t know if I really need it.


Hmmm... I think I may have to look into the 2730 instead.
I've had a 2730 in my truck for about a year and like it so far. Came in with the best price point and list of features for me.

Only downside is that it is not supported in CHIRP. So if you are using CHIRP for other radio configs, keep that in mind. You also can't Copy/Paste from CHIRP to the iCom software. So you're stuck manually entering everything twice. Not the end of the world but something to be aware of.

Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
This will be my first radio, so I haven't used chirp yet. A bunch of people on a different forum are suggesting the 5100,and I do like the gps and auto repeater functions, but I don't know if I can justify the price.


Yeah I looked both the Icom 5100 and the Yaesu FTM-400, but at the end of the day didn't want to spend that much either.


Love my 2730.

It has cross band repeat function, lighted buttons, decent screen size. I have had excellent reports from people I have chatted with while using it.

Great price point for a dual band. I made my own mounting, so that was a non issue for me. (I did have to buy 100 of the M2.6 x 6 bolts for the threaded inserts on the back of the head unit. Only needs two, let me know if you need any)


gary in ohio

Unless you really want DSTAR the 2730 is a great radio. While not in the main chirp download, it looks like it might be in the daily update (beta version)>

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
What do other's in your area use?

I recently installed the ID-5100. I'm more of a user than a radio hobbyist, and it is the simplest radio for me to "use".
That said, it seems all the new radios from major mfgs are pretty dog gone excellent. There are some great reviews on YouTube and eHam.net (http://www.eham.net/)

For example there are six reviews of the ID-4100A (http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/13406)

I've been listening in to the D-star repeaters (Just scanning the bands). It's been a lot of fun, with way more traffic than I expected. A few others using different strategies like DMR have said that in their area D-Star isn't as popular.

Before you commit to digital, it might be worth seeing what others around you use. Since none of the digital systems talk to each other radio to radio (i.e. D-Star, Fusion, and DMR radios have different strategies), knowing what is popular in your area may help you chose.
The good part is most of the radios do analog as well as digital.

Hope this helps,



Before you commit to digital, it might be worth seeing what others around you use. Since none of the digital systems talk to each other radio to radio (i.e. D-Star, Fusion, and DMR radios have different strategies), knowing what is popular in your area may help you chose...

As someone who is considering mobile radios, that sounds like a great idea to me.

Any recommended way to find out what is popular by area?

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
As someone who is considering mobile radios, that sounds like a great idea to me.

Any recommended way to find out what is popular by area?

I would look at this three ways:

1). Local ham radio club (https://www.google.com/search?q=Ham+radio+club+in+Salt+Lake+City&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1)
2). Local 4WD clubs (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1&ei=en5eWquzM8zGsAXfkrSABg&q=4WD+club+in+Salt+Lake+City&oq=4WD+club+in+Salt+Lake+City&gs_l=psy-ab.12...83303.88136.0.91526.
3). Regional Expo Chapters for the areas you want to run (http://forum.expeditionportal.com/forums/79-Regional-ExPo-Chapters)

Or a strategy similar that really covers how you want to use the radio. Because this is all about you, and your specific desires. :)
If you can spend a bit of time with some people using the different systems in your area, that would be really great.

On a side note: Keep your eyes open for sales. I got the ID-5100 on a Black Friday sale through HRO and it turned out to be a smoking good deal that also included a rebate.

Hope this helps,
I really like the ID-5100a. The touch screen is very appealing, as is dual receive, and gps. I see there is a few dstar repeaters here, and the guys administering the test when I got my license were talking about it and were pretty enthusiastic. It's less than $100 to upgrade to the 5100 from the 4100, the only option I really like with the 4100 is the background color choices. I don't like bright screens staring back at me in the dark. The white sure looks easy to see though.


Unless you really want DSTAR the 2730 is a great radio. While not in the main chirp download, it looks like it might be in the daily update (beta version)>

Awesome, looks like support was just added within the last couple of weeks!


I hadn't checked the feature request in a while since there hadn't been much progress. That will make programming so much easier! It doesn't look fully functional yet, but much more progress has been made than I've seen in the past.

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
I really like the ID-5100a. The touch screen is very appealing, as is dual receive, and gps. I see there is a few dstar repeaters here, and the guys administering the test when I got my license were talking about it and were pretty enthusiastic. It's less than $100 to upgrade to the 5100 from the 4100, the only option I really like with the 4100 is the background color choices. I don't like bright screens staring back at me in the dark. The white sure looks easy to see though.

the ID-5100 has auto dimming, along with brightness control and contrast.
That said the contrast between background and letters when dimmed is just OK, in my opinion. I have also *read* that the display does not like to be overheated, like in a windshield install. I can't comment on that first hand.
I will say, that the touch screen in my personal experience is awesome. I have an issue with memory, and attention span (a bad combination for anything that requires more than basic understanding). This radio seems to really limit the need for either. It really is intuitive, and the parts that aren't intuitive, are easy to figure out by just "pushing buttons" so to speak.

The display is really large, and that is something to consider. I would make a cardboard box to simulate the size, just to make sure it "fits" you.


Awesome, looks like support was just added within the last couple of weeks!


I hadn't checked the feature request in a while since there hadn't been much progress. That will make programming so much easier! It doesn't look fully functional yet, but much more progress has been made than I've seen in the past.

Oh, awesome ! I am running CS-2730 in Wine, but having CHIRP would be so much easier.

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