Idaho Backcountry Discovery Route July 2018

Ovrlnd Rd

This issue with Burnt Knob is not really how narrow it is although that's an issue if you're going up and someone else is coming down. The major problem is how rocky it is. Like I mentioned, I hooked one rock big enough that it bent the braces for my passenger side step. Driller went up it with a camper but I think he formed some new creases in his driver's seat while doing it. We only got about a mile in and decided that was enough and turned around (another challenge to do).

You shouldn't have too much issue with food/gas. The only detour we made was into Riggins simply because gas in Burgdorf was so expensive (understandably given their location but that doesn't mean we wanted to pay it). I usually had at least 1/2 tank left whenever we stopped for fuel. Food shouldn't be an issue either as long as you have a couple days worth. We hit a grocery store in Glenn's Ferry and Elk City just to fill out our stock especially since FrenchieXJ was running out of ice cream bars. There are restaurants along the way but it may be an issue timing them when you want to eat if that's your only plan.

You should be fine navigation wise also. I liked the Butler BDR map because it has the route highlighted and exploded views of the sections. It does have fairly fine print though and when you get into a spot with a spaghetti plate full of roads coming together it's difficult to be certain which is the one to leave the intersection on. We backtracked more than once but rarely more than 1/4-1/2 mile. The GPS didn't tell us where to turn just that we were no longer on the route.

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
I found the Butler map handy at those “mystery intersections” because it always shows the next forest road number you should be turning on to. Unfortunately often the signs are missing. But then you can watch your GPS which should show you if you’re on the correct FR soon. If it turns out to be the wrong one it can be a ways to find a turn around spot.



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old soul wanderer
I had a full size truck with pop up camper on this trip. Other than trying to get around some other vehicle on some off the trails, there really wasn't anywhere that caused me concern about going. Burnt knob was narrow but very doable if you have the ground clearance. I didn't rub or touch on anything going up or down. It will get you rocking back and forth a little bit from the weight of the camper. My truck is a 2015 ram 2500 on stock suspension with 35" tires.

Ovrlnd Rd

Well the trip keeps on giving. It appears that my 70,000 mile truck is now in need of front shocks. I can't imagine the BDR caused them to go out but apparently helped them on their way. I pulled the tent/rack/water-fuel cans, etc from the bed and the rear shocks seem fine. However it now feels like I'm driving the SS Minnow down the road. Pushing down on the front bumper results in 3 bounces from the front end until it settles and both shocks appear to be covered in oil. Good thing I was considering a leveling kit and now I have an excuse the wife will agree with (I let her drive it and it kind of freaked her out so easy sell).

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