ideas for hiding cash and docs


I'm quite sure I know where i'll be hiding my spare cash and documents on my upcoming trip.

The plan is to 'hide' a small amount of cash, both american and local currency totalling about $100. figure i'll hide it but make it findable in a random search. let those who need to find it and hopefully give up. 2 additional stashes a bit more difficult to find/access and of larger amounts. finally one that is truly buried. at least an hour of labor to get to it (removal of headliner or seats etc)

so even though i have my plans laid out i'm sure those with more experience can help me with more elegant designs. therefore, i'm looking for suggestions on where you have all stashed yours and ways to disguise it.


I have heard, but could not confirm this, that almost all money has a smell of drugs on it that is detectable by dogs. You may wish to consider hiding only brand new bills, if this is true. Who knows, it may be urban legend, but I'm too lazy to look that up for you. LOL

Brian McVickers

Staff member
How about something that bolts to the engine, a fake engine part.

Maybe an oil filter - you can buy a bolt on oil filter mount and then hallow out a filter and stuff it with cash then screw it on the fake mount.

Or just about any metal box or tube could be bolted on, no saying what that thing is bolted to the engine, looks like it shuld be there....

Added benefit is that if you need it in a hurry you won't have the hour+ to access that realy hidden stash. This may be easier as no one would ever find it.

If concerned for heat I'm sure you could figure out somthing to insulate the stash.



Expedition Leader
I "invested" in one of these- HitchSafe - Animation - Graphic


Many times we leave the vehicle hiking , boating, exploring, shopping, etc.

I usually carry the keys. I have never been a fan of the magnetic key boxes and this offers a more secure method of carrying valuables, as well as a key.
Now when we go hiking I can drop the keys in the safe and who ever in our party makes it back to the vehicle can get the key to open the truck. No worries of sinking or losing the keys.

The install was fast. It takes only minutes. Fit and finish are very good. Gaskets are supplied to keep it fitting snugly. Plenty of extra to fit all hitches I would guess.

When I am towing a trailer it will go in the front hitch. When I have the winch on the front it can go into the receiver mount for the winch. Always a place for it.

Pretty pricey at $70

I have thought about this one for quite a while though. I came across some "mad money", so this was my madness.


Heretic Car Camper
When I went to Baja the first time I didn't have time to do a clean install of the lighting switches. Ended up using a quad house electrical box with the switches in a blank-off plate. Inside was one of my cash stashes.

You should have one stash on you just in case you get separated from the vehicle.


i appreciate the feedback. it is reinforcing some of the thoughts i've already had. this isn't' about what i have on me. i have two moneybelts as well as a pouch for around my ankle depending on what i'm wearing. it is about on/in the truck for corrupt officials and border guards to 'find' but not jeopardize my trip.

i'm keeping the hide a key separate from the cash and documents, right now i am thinking about bolting both to/inside the frame and disguising them as part of the truck. the difficulty is finding a water tight solution for my documents (copies of passport, visas, insurance, international permit etc) was leaning toward a capped and seals piece of black pvc but to me, unless well hidden, screams drugs or other contraband. keep the ideas coming.

i like the receiver safe idea and have seen one in action but no receiver on my truck. i'll have a console safe bolted down inside the truck somewhere however.


Expedition Leader
The prisoners hide stuff in their:shakin:

And yes, a drug dog will often alert on a large sum of cash.

Hidden compartments do attract tons of attention coming back to the US. You are likely to have your entire truck torn apart if they find it.

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