everyone's vehicle is different, so take our advice with a grain of salt, and try to compare scenarios before putting any weight behind our suggestions.
this has worked out extremely well for my nissan: i replaced my headlamp bulbs with the Sylvania XtraVision bulbs. they're what i find to be the best compromise among price ($24/pr) and light output and longevity. i spent a lot of time aiming my headlights vertically and horizontally so that the top of the light beam is bouncing at about the horizon, or just past where i normally look down the highway. i basically aim them just under where they would be getting in all the cars' eyes.
i spent plenty of time fine tuning, and came out with a great spread of light. it's so great that most of the time i don't need to use my high-beams, and
never have i wanted for any close proximity fog lights.
my auxiliary lights, then, are GE Q4509 airplane landing lights in a standard PAR36 housing, mounted in the recesses for my fog lamps. as they are airplane landing lights, they will light up the road for literally miles, if you have them aimed appropriately.
so, upgrade your headlamps, aim them vertically and horizontally, and then save your money and get some GE Q4509 lamps. (for a pair of lamps and housings, i spent <$60.) you will have great light output for driving around town and on the backroads, and you'll still have plenty of light in "reserve" for when you want to really light up the road, or want to get your point across to that other vehicle that you don't appreciate them driving with their brights on.
EDIT: I have tried both the Hella 500 and the 500FF and they are a waste of money. they don't offer much light spread, despite what they tell you. for the same price, i've gotten equal or better performance from my GE Q4509 lamps. they're also smaller (4.5in diameter) and less conspicuous, though that may be a bad thing if you're going for looks.
i used to have two pairs of Hella 500FF on the roof, and a pair of Hella 500 on the bumper, but have since seen the light, and realize that the airplane landing lights are more than sufficient. even bombing the beach at 60mph, i can't outrun them.