Importing 1985 70-series


These are older than 25 years now. I know the odds of a finding well functioning 1984-5 are pretty slim. Would it even be worth undertaking?

I assume you’re looking at similar requirements to the old defenders. Requirements so prohibitive you’re better off buying one of the handful of NAS defenders already here.


Expedition Leader
I would think that Australia would be the best source for a 1985 Troopie. They were popular from the start Down Under, and most parts of the country have a dry climate. Australia has pretty strong vehicle inspection laws, so even a 25 year old vehicle would meet basic safety requirements. Australian vehicles are right hand drive.

Germany would be another possible source. Toyotas are popular in Germany, and the inspection laws are strict. The German climate is damp in most parts of the country, so rust would be a higher probability for a German vehicle than for an Australian one.

There must be some business-minded folks in Australia and Germany who realize that there's a market for 25 year old Land Cruisers in USA. Anyone?

I have imported 13 cruisers and it is quite simple to do......If you need help or a reliable company that you can trust let me know. I would go with getting one from 'AU as opposed to Germany. The cost will be much less in AU,and they do have strict laws in some States but not all. I would stay away from any cruiser in Queensland,as they go on the beaches there alot and rust would be more of a problem,also the nearest port is in the lower part of the state,so shipping would be more. Not the cost from the port,that would be the same as all other ports,but getting the rig to the port would be a big cost. Unless you happen to find one close to the port in Queensland.



Renaissance Redneck
The middle east is a great source too, if you can find the right deal. Left hand drive and no rust. The oz cruisers tend to have heaps of miles on them. If you are not hung up on a diesel troopy, you will find more options.


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
The issue is the engine choices. The 2H, while not bad, is a really outdated engine and not as stone reliable as the other diesels. If you can find one with a 12H-T, you're golden. The troppy sure is cool looking but honestly probably super utilitarian and rough. Just food for thought...

I would get one personally, but maybe only a couple years.

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