Importing a Defender - Land Rovers UK? Thoughts?


Foleys is a top notch outfit and I have imported dozens of their trucks for very happy clients.

Matt @ MRM had so much negative feedback and so many US Customs seizures (ie on their hot list) he has changed the name of his operation to Heritage Land Rover, same guy, same ethics. FWIW he and Mark @ the C&D Centre are joined @ the hip/good friends, I have quite a bit of experience dealing with both.

Have you had many customers have Foley's do any re-furbishing of the vehicles? Quality job?

So would it be safe to assume C&D Centre is a little sketchy as well?


While the rules haven't necessarily "changed" they're being enforced by US gov't entities far more frequently now. Just because things were getting in, in the past, does not ensure future results. Best for you to read up (quite a bit as it seems you're just now entering the "maybe" stage of ownership) of what is allowed and what is not. "Re-furbishing" has a very wide brush stroke, and can mean a great many things. You want to stay within the boundaries of what is allowed to enter country.


While the rules haven't necessarily "changed" they're being enforced by US gov't entities far more frequently now. Just because things were getting in, in the past, does not ensure future results. Best for you to read up (quite a bit as it seems you're just now entering the "maybe" stage of ownership) of what is allowed and what is not. "Re-furbishing" has a very wide brush stroke, and can mean a great many things. You want to stay within the boundaries of what is allowed to enter country.

Yea, I just completed reading more into it and seeing what can and cannot be done. This has always been a dream vehicle as I have loved them since I was a kid but boy does it make owning a Wrangler seem like a piece of cake! I will be reaching out to Doug and continue reading. I had read the high level but as I start getting more granular hopefully his knowledge will help clear things up and also add some depth to what I am reading based on his actual experiences.

If anyone has any further information or things to think about please feel free to post. I will take all the information or experiences anyone has had.


join Defender Source, use the search, and do lots of reading.

Been reading through this forum as well. Not as deep into it as I would like yet. But I am there and digging in.

BTW. I enjoyed reading your build thread over the weekend. Nice little D90 you have going there.


Have you had many customers have Foley's do any re-furbishing of the vehicles? Quality job?

So would it be safe to assume C&D Centre is a little sketchy as well?

prefer to put you in touch with clients who will vehemently implore you not to do business with certain firms

As far as refurbishing a vehicle- any modernization will get you in trouble with DOT. You can restore to original condition to your hearts content but any modification from how it originally left Sollihul needs to be done stateside after granted entry by Customs.


New member
years ago when i lived in the uk (2008) i was doing the same search as you while there. I was bringing mine into canada, so a bit less hassle. (15 years vs yanks 25 years). I ended up going to check out the stock of an outfit north of where i was. pretty impressed by their shop quality, and no nonsense approach. they get and refurb and prep lots of trucks for folks going to africa, and east. Althought they are out of my pricerange at the time, they were super nice and helpful and seemed to know their way around vehicle prep for US customers. again, not a customer, but they had a good selection of ex fleet vehicles.

I ended up going private for a truck i found as pure accident and has proven to be amazing, but it really helped to be on the ground checking stuff for myself.


I ended up going to check out the stock of an outfit north of where i was. pretty impressed by their shop quality, and no nonsense approach. they get and refurb and prep lots of trucks for folks going to africa, and east. Althought they are out of my pricerange at the time, they were super nice and helpful and seemed to know their way around vehicle prep for US customers. again, not a customer, but they had a good selection of ex fleet vehicles.

I ended up going private for a truck i found as pure accident and has proven to be amazing, but it really helped to be on the ground checking stuff for myself.

I imported trucks from Nene back in 2009/2010 but stopped when they started their Icon series. They do very nice work. Many of the trucks came right off the ship and drove long distances- six were driven to Missouri right off the boat from Baltimore.


I imported trucks from Nene back in 2009/2010 but stopped when they started their Icon series. They do very nice work. Many of the trucks came right off the ship and drove long distances- six were driven to Missouri right off the boat from Baltimore.

Good to know. What are you thoughts on Millin Trading?

Also, sent you a PM.


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