Improving security... lexan windows? And some other ideas


Had my truck broken into last week. Looking into options to deter theft. Beyond the obvious 'don't leave valuables in plain sight', what mods have you done?

I'm considering replacing the driver side and passenger windows with Lexan. Has anyone done this? I'm also very weight conscious, and I estimate lexan could save 15-20 pounds for two windows.

The UV & scratch resistant lexan is considerably pricier:
And I'm not sure regular lexan would stand the test of time.

Or a quick n' dirty cheap solution: 8 mil security film?

I have steel window guards on all other windows, and it's tough to see anything inside. I'm also thinking of adding a polyester webbing cargo barrier behind the front seats. My thinking is that it would decrease visibility into the cargo area, and add 15 seconds or so to a break-in, hopefully enough to deter a smash and grab? thoughts?

The Artisan

Makrolon, used in bulletproof applications. I am using 1/2" in my camper windows. Not cheap but top notch.


Well-known member
FWIW Lexan and Makrolon are the same things just different brand names.. you would want UV resistant or it'll yellow, scratch resistant would be good to have also.. good wind storm out in desert could sandblast em nicely.

Lucky j

As a Paramedic, I do see a potential for safety. As glass will shater in case of emergency need, good luck with lexan. Plexi would brake with a pointy tool, but not lexan. Not that I am aware of.

Deleted member 9101

I have 50% tint on my windshield and 30% the rest of the way around the truck. Its damn near impossible to see in my truck at night. Keeps prying eyes away.


Take a look at this thread, posted here on the boards some time ago:

IMHO, changing glass for Lexan is useless and will be a pain down the road. Polycarbonate will yellow with UV over time, regardless of quality. Quality will only give you more time. Also, Polycarbonate is not unbreakable, and by itself isn't bulletproof either unless its extremely thick. I've had armored Toyotas and currently have vehicles with security film installed. Both have their pros and cons.

As mentioned in my post in the other thread, no security measure is infallible. Lexan can be broken and windows protected by film can be torn down with enough time.

Anything you add to reduce your chances of being broken into will do so because the thief will look for easier targets, not because it is impossible to be broken into.

Another important factor: Steel bars and anything that might be used to stop the vehicle from being broken into might be in the way when you're trying to get out. This is specially dangeours in the case of high speed accidents or roll overs. Keep this in mind.

Dances with Wolves

aka jk240sx
leave a dead fish on the front seat, that'll keep the the thieves at bay. On a serious note, I'm an Insurance Agent/owner and have been doing so for 30+ years. One thing I've learned it that people will steal anything. My mother in law recently had her brand new GMC truck left rear window broken for change in the cupholder. It cost her $1K to replace the rear window glass. Best thing you can do is don't leave ******** in plain sight. Change, Charger cords, etc. Theft is the second oldest profession, well maybe the first.


Tail-End Charlie

Plus security film.


Active member
This doesn’t help the emergency situation, but something I’ve considered.

3M makes some sort of product that is clear plastic adhesive sheeting. It is applied to the inside of windows to prevent break in. It was demonstrated on a home window- floor to ceiling massive picture window. They attacked this with 12-pound sledge hammers. Yes, the glass broke of course but the film did not break, and you could not get in. It was awesome. Better than bars in my opinion because if you have bars, you must have something good in there.

I’ve not done it and it does not stop a bullet, but it will absolutely stop a smash n grab, prevent a car jacking (unless via firearm) and it’s totally undetectable.


Well-known member
Ive installed that film on my back door, I think a critical part of the equation though is you caulk/glue the film to the door/window frame.. In a vehicle side window, I think you'd just push in the big broken sheet of glass inwards and get it to pop out of the door all together.

I mean window tint basically does the same thing, and thats how smash and grabbers deal with it.. at least its easier to clean up.


Tail-End Charlie
I have that security film on the driver and passenger door glass of my cargo van Even the clear stuff blocks 99% of UV.

There are many manufacturers, and the latest generation is even better.

It is installed so it runs to the edge of the glass, and down into the door. Pushing the glass out after breaking is is easier said than done.


Kapitis Indagatoris
Modern side windows do a lot more then simply keep the rain (and bad guys) out and modifing may have unintended consequences for day to day commuting life. One of the purposes for it to disintegrate into those small pieces when shattered is to eliminate large shards of glass flying around during an accident versus smaller pieces possessing less energy, mass and cutting edges. Also, by shattering into small and easily removed pieces, versus larger pieces, is it makes escape from the vehicle is easier. If you have side curtain airbags, the window is also designed to help direct, contain and absorb some of the side impact, meaning the shattering helps absorb some of the direct impact energy. Adding harden windows may change this. Hardened or armored windows have their place, but you may need to do a risk/benefit analysis for everyday use to see if they'll do what you want theme to do. Good luck!
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