In need of advice: Which JKU to buy


New member
Thank you guys so much for your expertise. After 24 hours I think we have a consensus.

Please feel free to derail the thread at this point or keep the conversation going. I have made my decision, now I just have to wait for a White 2012+ sport to show up at a reasonable price.

As many of you have recommended, I will plan to run the jeep as close to stock as possible to learn its limits. I would like some ideas on RTT mounting ideas (need something super cheap and capable of holding ~500 lbs parked) and cheap/reliable winches. I believe those two items will be at the top of my purchase list.

Also, how high on the list should a second battery be given the potential need for winching?



You'll get a million opinions on dual batteries. I personally still have the stock one, and don't have any intention of replacing until necessary. I've not used the winch too much, but even in my YJ, the stock battery was plenty sufficient for a couple years until I did dual batteries (which honestly don't think was really necessary). Now this is all with the engine running. If you plan to winch without the engine running, proceed.

On winches, I'm a Warn guy. You'll never go wrong with them. I had a Ramsey fail on me and you hear varying results on other brands, but I've never heard anything negative about a Warn. They are $$$, but the quality and longevity backs up the price.

As previously stated, I'm useless on the RTT stuff.


Also, how high on the list should a second battery be given the potential need for winching?

If that's all it's for, I wouldn't be too worried about it. The only time I've come close to running the battery down was after 4 long pulls that were all back to back while the jeep was at idle. Now, I just up the RPMs to 1-2k, and give it a little time between pulls. I also carry a small fridge in mine (25L) and jeep still starts after 36 hrs (longest I've tried leaving it for - although if I was by myself in a remote area I'd be starting it a lot more often).


New member
I don't have a dual battery in mine. The only time the battery light came on was during a long pull and a quick rev fixed that. Im also a Warn guy, my dad and I both have Warns on our rigs (LR3 and JK) and we haven't regretted it. The winches will probably last longer then the trucks. Also we went with synthetic line, the cost is a little bit more but I would rather wait and be a littler poorer then have quick gratification and get my arm chopped off by a flying cable. We have broken two synthetic lines, once because of improper wrapping around the drum and once because the guy getting winched out kept pulsing on it, both times the line fell to the ground exactly as advertised.


On the road
While not inexpensive, I'm been using a Gobi Stealth rack for my RTT. I originally went with it so that I could run without a top in the summer. The rack has been very stable and handles a RTT well. The built in ladder makes it real easy to get on top, although, climbing up the rear tire would work too. I just added a dual battery setup but not because of using a winch. I have a fridge and like sitting in a place for several days without moving. Having that second battery to keep the fridge running just gives me peace-of-mind when it comes to starting the Jeep.
Rubi all the way

If you plan on hitting the trails or just winder where that little road goes or are alone just you and your wife get the rubicon. If you get the 3.8 you will need to re-gear to run 35's I am have an 08' 4 dr and it does great having lockers all around you can go anywhere add the winch and you will be pretty secure . do check out any lifted ones often the dealer has those in stock. done through the dealer ship although it is pricy that way , If you can get a 2012 with the newer motor. they are supposed to be vastly superior to 3.8 I haven't driven one I am afraid i might want one. The other school of thought is by a sport x model add axles gears lockers as you see fit , I would just go with the newest best equipped ruby you can though


I do recommend you get the newest Jeep you can and with as much equipment as you can afford, to me it seems something always comes up that will stop a upgrade. Be happy and as comfortable as you can from the start. Also the 2013 has better front seats than the 2012. The 3.6 is much better than the 3.8 and the newer auto transmission is much better.

I will tell you what I did and why, because what you do is up to you and the wife.

I purchased a 2013 Rubicon Unlimited with 3.73 gears & Auto. I got the Rubicon, because I do not know where I will end up and the lockers might make a difference on getting home and I really didn't want to add them later, I can afford the payment. The 3.73 gears, because I wanted a little bit better MPG, right now I avg 16.5 around town, 20 on the highway under 70mph and overall 18.4. I gotten as high as 23mph at around 60 mph and as low as 15 into a very big headwind and this since buying the Jeep, now has 20k miles on it. I got the auto, because should something happen to me on a trail, i can drive with one good leg or anyone else.

I have added a MetalCloak 2.5 ARB lift, because I have been on trails in Colorado where I was hitting things, again it might make a difference, but it's not too big to hurt MPG or the drive train. I also add a M.O.R.E skid plate to protect a few things. I am putting an AEV front bumper on the Jeep, because I will move to deer country in 2 months and with a lot of driving, I wanted better protection than the factory bumper can provide. I have a Warn Zeon 10S winch that will go on, for the same reason I have the Rubicon and lockers. I will also add an AEV rear bumper for the 5 gals of water & the 10 gal fuel caddy, plus I like their stuff. I will change out tires in a couple of months, for my Alaska trip, but I am only going to 285/70r17 AT, again to try and keep MPG.

On post #3234, I re-posted something a guy said and makes sense to me.

And then there is this.

Good luck on you choices and travels
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Willing Wanderer
On post #3234, I re-posted something a guy said and makes sense to me.

And then there is this.

Good luck on you choices and travels

Both of these are great advice. I hadn't seen the one at JK forum yet, so thanks for the post! Oh, and to the OP, GET THE GREEN ONE. Honestly, the white JKU is a nice looking Jeep, but the Commando green paint is the best yet on a JK!


LOL... the story of my life..........................................................................


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