In Need of Help - Williams Lake, BC


I don't know where to put this, so I figure this is the best spot. I remember seeing a forum for members in need of help, but cant find it.

Started off in Denver drove to Cleveland to see some family, Then a week in the boundary waters canoe area. After that my dad and I headed up to Inuvik via the Cassiar HWY. Dropped my dad off in Anchorage so he could fly home after a quick tour of the Kenai peninsula. I then took the ALCAN back South.
Earlier today, I'm driving down a dirt road maybe 35. I glanced down for a second, drifted off to the right into a ditch. I swerve back to the road, fish tail a bit and come to a stop, my trailer is maybe 100 yards back on its side.
The frame rails have mutiple cracks, axle is all bent up, and the mounts i welded to the side to hold fuel and ammo cans were ripped off. Basically, it's totaled.
I loaded everything I had into the truck, left the trailer on the side of the road and headed into Williams Lake and got a hotel room, where I'm at now.
I'm thinking I can strip the axle and springs and what not and just strap the box down and continue my trip. If not, I probably will have to head straight home. I'm hoping someone knows of a place, or someone, in town that sells small (maybe 6-8 foot) flat bed trailers, Used preferably.
Anything will help, Thanks.


Digitaldelay, thanks for the help, but from the looks of it, a trailer is out of the budget.

However, I think I can make a roof rack work by putting the tent up there. What stores would have one available for an 05 ranger with the extended cab? Or, I have the base rails for a roof rack from an explorer installed. Anybody know where I can find the cross bars in this area?
again thanks for the help
Canadian Tire sells universal type cross bars. They're over on HWY20, west from the junction with the 97, before it starts climbing out of town again. They probably won't be ideal, but might work out on a budget? Walmart might have some as well.


Problem Solved! Canadian tire wanted 450 for a rack over the bed, a bit much but doable. So I went ahead and checked out some bike shops in town to see if they had anything. Neither opened for another half hour. To Kill time I went to Bee Jays Towing to have them pick the totaled trailer off the road. On my way out, I passed their scrap yard and saw two older explorers with exactly what I needed on top! $20 later and I now have a roof rack, MUCH better than the 450 canadian tire wanted. Went back to Canadian tire got an oil change and posted up behind their building to put everything back together. Took a few hours to make some new brackets and what not for the tent, but I was back on the road the same day.

Got to a camp site maybe 20 minutes from town and started setting up. When I opened the tent, every bracket was bent. Folded inwards. I took them all off, grabbed a hammer and found a flat rock. I don't know what kind of steel those brackets are made of, but it's some tough stuff. A hammer and rock wasn't cutting it. After asking around the camp site a bit, I found an old gentleman with a vice and he helped me hammer the brackets back to almost like new.

So now I'm back at it and traveling southbound!

Explorer 1

Explorer 1
No stories to tell your grand children around the fire.

Looks like you have a story!

Glad it worked out for you,

Explorer 1


Somebody posted this somewhere, a trip is just a trip until something goes wrong. Then it becomes an adventure


Really wish I had the ability to read those posts two days ago.

After relocating my tent, my USB GPS antenna needed to be moved from the roof to where It could see the sky. The night of the 26th, after a very stressful two hours of navigating BC forest roads to the beautiful Jimmy Lake Rec Site, I removed the antenna with the intent of just placing it on the dash whenever I needed it. Well, the antenna decided it had had enough and quit working. It no longer connects to my computer, the driver went bad or something. No big deal I thought, I'll just download an updated one tomorrow while I'm getting maps of Washington and Idaho.

So I spend a good 4 hours in a Starbucks attempting to download maps of said states on the 27th. Both of the apps I use didn't completely download the information I needed. And the latest driver update for the antenna doesn't work with maps pro. Not the best day I'm having. Another stressful evening of navigating forest roads and I'm at another Rec Site, surrounded in cow pies and listening to either someone else's girlfriend talk or someone else's music. "The Great Outdoors" A very disgruntled me, decided to go for a walk then make dinner. As I'm finishing my after dinner beer, a wind gust kicks up and takes the staked down quick shade with it, breaking it on impact with the ground. At that point, I'd had enough, packed up with the hopes of driving all the bad vibes away. The Customs Officer made sure that wasn't going to happen. At around 12:30 that night, I pulled into a Forest Service camp site and crawled into my bent floor tent.Woke the next morning and proceeded east on Washing SH20. I come across a scenic view, pull over to snap some pictures, and at the bottom of this waterfall, down at the creek for a drink, is a wild Yamaha outboard motor.

That's it I thought. I got back in my truck, found I-90 and went home to Denver where I'm typing this now. One of the worst decisions I've made in a long while. The truck is still loaded, and I'm trying to throw together a 2-3 week tour of Colorado / Southern Wyoming. Hopefully leave before the weekend.
What should I see, where should I go? I want to include the Alpine Loop, that's all I've got. I'd like to keep the trails easy as I'm all alone and now have 100 pounds above the cab. is not working and I'm staring at a funtreks book. Are there any resources online for GPX or KML tracks? I have a Lowrance GPS that has yet to fail me, and will for sure be going.

Again thanks for the help


Also, I'm looking at a gps track of the Colorado Backcountry Discovery Route, and I have a place to stay in the Jefferson / Tarryall Reservoir area for a night or two.

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