In search of this camper or one very similiar


I need your input!!!
I am going to be getting out of the army this fall and plan on doing some extensive traveling.
I have decided I am going to buy a trailer camper.

It needs to be able to be pulled through mild terrain. Be able to handle at least -40 degrees. Good clearance. My power source will be my cummins truck. I prefer a single axle setup.

Things I must have:
Solid walls and ceiling,
Good heating system,
Water reservoir with built in heater,
propane stove,
110 electrical hookup,
room enough for 2 people to sleep,

I plan on spending anywhere from $8k to 15K. Does anyone have good suggestions to what brand and or model I should be looking at?

I was thinking something along the lines of this, but I don't know the brand.
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Expedition Leader
The reason the owner chose an Oliver Travel Trailer is that the factory
was willing, even eager, to help develop the owner's ideas, and to modify
the standard layout to match.

The linked site says that Oliver is out of the travel trailer business for
now. The business will start up again when the economy improves.


New member
You found us :) Always amazed to see our little home on wheels pop up on threads.

The brand is indeed Oliver Travel Trailer, and only under 50 of these awesome trailers have been made so far. Last we heard from Oliver, they have not received enough orders to ramp up the build line yet, but they remain hopeful.

At current time, I know of only one used Oliver up for sale, and the asking price was $25k. With so few made and their high quality, I'd be surprised to see it sell for less.

Scamp, Casita, EggCamper, Burro, etc. are other brands of fiberglass trailer that are worthwhile considering. However none of them will give you the double hull construction (better for lower temps) and raised axle of the Oliver. But, you can very likely score a used one in your price range.

Best wishes,
- Cherie / Technomadia


Thanks for the good responses! Those Oliver trailers make me :drool: I am going to look into all of them and sort out exactly what I want and then wait till one comes on the market for the right price.

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