Holla folks, I live here in Albuquerque and have yet to connect to our local IRLP repeater (still pretty new ham). Your net on the western reflector sounds like a great excuse to try it out. When do you all gather? -James
You are correct that IRLP is a linked repeater system (Internet Radio Linking Project). The repeaters are normal RF repeaters that have have a tap to selectively link them over the Internet. It's not a full time link, the user activates and deactivates the link. Each repeater is given a unique identifier number and you can link either two repeaters directly together or link a repeater to a reflector, which is like a hub. The reflector would be how you link 3 or more together.My only radio (at this time) is a Baofeng uv5s HT. Can I access irlp from it or do you need a special kind of radio? My understanding is that irlp is a linked repeater system. Is that the same as echo link, d-star, winsystem etc?