So another point to consider for the AWD bashers here...
We have lived in the Cascades, Northern Idaho up near the Canada border, and western Montana on the Rocky Mt Front....all places where winter weather, snow and ice can create some really daunting travel experiences. When we lived in those places, my wife’s vehicle was a Subaru Outback AWD, and mine was a 3/4 T 4WD pickup.
I loved my truck for getting out of town during the three “non-winter” seasons and going out on back roads exploring, but often while driving on paved roads in the winter time, the truck simply was lacking. This was mainly because paved mountain winding roads would frequently go from dry in the sun to icy and snowy in the shade...and driving on them was not a great use for 4 wheel high.
I found I very often would swipe the wife’s AWD Suby for long winter drives as the AWD was bulletproof on mixed or snowy roads. Once I had a very long drive back home to Idaho from Calgary, Alberta in mid December on a below zero day on unplowed roads covered with several inches of fresh new snow. The AWD Suby with its studded, siped snow tires got me home safely...and enjoyably.
Another December we had to drive to Kalispel Montana in a raging high plains that was so bad the state closed the highway down right after we got into town. Again, taking the AWD Suby made an otherwise stressful, dangerous drive very enjoyable.
Those experiences were many, many years ago. Today, the wife still has an AWD Outback (her fourth) and I still have a 3/4 Ton 4WD pickup. They each have their strengths. We still are happy to continue to stick with the Suby on wet, icy or mixed snowy roads though.