Intorduce myself with my 60`s shorthood Mercedes Truck


New member
Hi, I found this forum by incident and found it pretty interesting.
I looked around here to find a place where people usually intoduce themselves when they are new here.
As I couldnt find such threade or alike, I thought this might be the best "place".

My name is Jakob, I am from Germany.
I own an Mercedes LA 1113A from 1965 that I bought in 2005 as a retired Firetruck.
Since then I spent all my time and effort to convert it into a decent overlanding rig. 7.4m long, 2.38m wide, 3.35m tall


During these years I allways used it for traveling, playing in the dirt and meeting other people with the same passion.

Since march 2022 I am together with my whife on a trip from europe to central asia and back.
At the time we left germany we cancelled everything (jobs, flat) to be free to decide for how long we want to be on the "road" and where to end up.
I am Paraplegic and in need to use a Wheelchair.

Way to central Asia:
Gemany - Austria - Slowenia - Kroatia - Bosnien and Herzegovina - Albania - Montenegro - Greece - Turky - Georgia - Russia - Kazacstan - Uzbekistan - Tajikistan

Way back from central Asia:
Uzbekistan - Kasacstan

Unfortunately we suffered a transfer case (VG500-3W) damage near Baikonur, so we are currently waiting for a replacement shipped form Germany.

Plan for the way back to Europe:
Russia - Georgia - Turky - Greece - (to be decided)



Expedition Leader
Welcome! Love those old beasts. In Francophone Africa they were called "le elephant de la piste." The elephant of the (dirt)road.

Hope your parts arrive and that you have a safe trip home.


Active member
Hi and welcome, what a cool adventure you're on! I would love to do that trip to Central Asia when my truck is done. Do you blog about it anywhere?


New member
thanks for the warm welcome here!
Regarding Russia, we got a 180day multi reentry visa.
With that it was no issue to get across the border.
We had about 10 police checkpoints through Tschetschenia. But everybody was friendly and there where no issues at all.
Hope it will be the same on the way back.

We diddnt bog anywhere.
We are mostly on some kind of "Road", even though that there have been some that dont deserve the name "Road".
There have been verry limmited occasions where the 4x4 was really needed.
All in all its nice to have the 4x4 as backup at hand, but its really not needed for such a tirp.


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