So I did something crazy today- either inspired or insane, or a little of both remains to be seen: I bought a small passenger bus, to be gradually turned into a light-duty overlander.
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Frankly, one reason I bought this vs. other options was to (hopefully!) avoid the new parking regulations in my city. Anyone with an RV or trailer now is limited to how many days they can park in front of their house on the street, and have to purchase an overnight permit. Any oversize vehicle longer than 27 feet and over 7 feet tall is likewise restricted.
But here's the key: She's a 1997 Ford E450 Powerstroke passenger bus, 24 feet long and impressively tall- but not over 27' long, and the regs say 27' AND over 7' tall. So- I think I'm in the clear (or will be parking at a friends commercial space). And she can't appear too much like an RV.
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So far- that's not an issue. She sports dualies in the rear, that I may need to swap out soon, and 7.3 liters of (soon to be) bio-diesel burning brute strength idling noisily under the hood up front. I've read it tows like a champ and has a hitch on the rear to do so if required.
Starts easiy and rumbles like a boss. We rolled down the freeway today on the way home, using cruise control- a small version of the big busses going past (I kept it under 65 for the shakedown ride).
Tall fiberglass body, no leaks after a big rain storm this weekend (but in need of some scrubbing/oxidation removal). Three of the windows pop out for emergency access- or to better catch a Pacific breeze on a warm Baja beach and pass cold cervezas out to friends.
Heavy duty hydraulic wheelchair lift in the rear to easily load Pelican ice chest, kayaks, bikes, people who don't like stairs, and camping gear.
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Inside: pretty bare bones. Eight passenger seats w/seatbelts that fold up flat against the sides, out of the way, once our group has arrived. (Conceivably I could add more, but then the commercial driver license becomes an issue. I used to have one, when guiding trips to Mt. Whitney, Joshua Tree etc., but it's lapsed.)
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I figure, after arrival, the bus can become base camp: kitchen/bar, living room, dining room and/or bunkhouse, depending on the elements and travelers. Over time I may add a basic bathroom/shower combo, though if the weather's warm an outdoor shower would be fine (and most places I plan to go have bathrooms).
The goal: to take people into Baja to experience whales, wine and wilderness and enjoy the scenery along the way. I've been doing these trips in Baja for 30 years, often several per year, and want to share it with others without them needing to drive if they aren't comfortable, at least for the first trip.
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Our maiden voyage: end of March, over spring recess, with family and friends travelling to the gray whale lagoons on the Pacific side.
Initial plan: add simple, lightweight shelving/storage to interior. Check out biodiesel conversion requirements. Figure out which camping items will work well, inside & out (the lift will make moving things much simpler).
Intermediate: Look for RVs/trailers being parted out for useful items to build.
As for the fun stuff: Organize trips to Guadalupe Valley wine tasting. Go kayaking with whale sharks in Bahia de Los Angeles. Other Baja/Southwest US adventures TBD.
I will update periodically, but probably won't have a lot to report right away. I'd rather spend the money going places and having fun, vs. designing the perfect vehicle.
Your helpful suggestions, ideas, recommendations on biodiesel, interior design, general outfitting etc. welcome!