Introducing myself!!!


Well I wasn't sure of where to introduce myself, but this looked like as good a place as anywhere. My truck is in my sig. I was pretty excited to find this forum, I've never really put any thought into this kind of build but it certainly fits my likes. Growing up (high school and college) I was an avid backpacker, and rock climber; but when I got married my camping style changed a little. Dingbat me wrong, my wife is a trooper, but she doesn't really like the idea of hiking for days with a heavy pack just for the sake of "getting out there". So this type of vehicle would sort of fit that build by getting us out there with a few more comforts. My biggest problem now is going to be finding places to get to. We live in Oklahoma City, so there aren't very many places suitable for this that I know of. Actually I don't know of any.

Anyway, I really look forward to learning on this site and buildinmy rig. Hopefully I'll get some ideas of places to go near me too!


Viking with a Hammer
Another Cummins! And a big one to. I'm trying to keep my pack weight below 30 pounds.

Welcome to, LOL. I guess I should fix my signature as well.
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Thanks guys! YeaH it's aG56, they stopped putting the NV tranny sometime like 05 or 06 I think. My 4 year old daughter named her "Big Blue". So I guess that's going to be my build name.
Anyone know of some good places to learn this sport in the OK and surrounding states?


Welcome to the forum! Kids pick out the best, although not the most original, names for trucks. Mine refer to my F350 "the Big Red Truck." It's fitting, I suppose. It's better than my poor, old Army trailer, which has become "Daddy's ugly green trailer." Gotta love 'em. Good luck finding some worthy trails around OKC.


Expedition Leader
First off, welcome to the forum Oobray!:Wow1: But you forgot to POST LOTS OF PICS of your rig!:ylsmoke:



Sorry, guess my email notifications weren't working. Here's the only decent ones I have, the second one is supposed to be a video. Hopefully I'll be taking the family on a trip through some forest roads and trails here in oK in the next few weeks. I'll definitely update then!!
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welcome, great looking truck i love the full size 4 door trucks, definitely a great platform to do pretty much anything with


Renaissance Redneck
Oobray, did you do the emission delete and exhaust / chip at the same time? Or was there enough time to see what mpg was just with emission delete? I am keeping my eyes open for a 03-07 5.9 Cummins, but the 6.7 seems like it can be tweaked to give good mileage too. Does yours have the exhaust brake?

Your truck looks awesome. A nice pop-up camper in the back, along with your other list and you will have a great set-up. Keep us updated, and remember... Chilli loves his pics:sombrero:



The 6.7 can definetly be modded fairly easily to yield decent mpgs. I don't think it will ever be as efficient as the old 12 valves, but 20+mpg for a QC/LB with 35" tires is about as good as I could hope for.

Unfortunately you have to have an aftermarket programmer in order to do the deletes because otherwise the computer freaks out. I did run the truck for a while with a ghetto rigged system of exhaust temp foolers which tricked the computer in to thinking the emessions equipment was working; however, I continually got trouble codes. The smarty is awesome, and is a wonderful improvement so long as I can keep my foot out of it (stock clutch still ). And yes, all 6.7 Cummins come from the factory with the exhaust brake. It's a function of the variable geometry turbo.

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