IOS camping gear checklist app


Well-known member
Can anyone recommend a gear checklist iOS app. Seems like many of the ones on iTunes App Store are either abandoned by their developers or lacking in features.

Ideally I’m looking for at minimum ;
iCloud syncing of lists between devices
Ability to customize gear name, category and location
Ability to check off if item has been packed or not


You can use the native "notes" app to take care of atleast part of your requirements list. The notes can be shared between devices (and other people) and you can check items off as you pack them. Unsure about the ability to customize gear name, category, location requirement.

My wife and I use "notes" shared between us to handle packing/grocery/etc. I also use a list on our local grocery store website, its called "camping". If I plan to camp the following weekend, the Wednesday before I will go to the "camping" list - add all to cart, schedule the pickup for Thursday on my way home from work. Technology can be awesome. It helps me get out there where there is none. :cool:


The native iOS "Reminders" app is also a good option. It syncs via iCloud. You can add items to it as a checklist and add notes per line item. You have the option to remove an item as it is checked off, or to retain it with the checkmark.

If you really want to get fancy, you can even add location notifications to the list so that you are prompted when the device detects you have arrived or departed from someplace. Overall, it seems to cover everything you want it to do.


Active member
The native iOS "Reminders" app is also a good option. It syncs via iCloud. You can add items to it as a checklist and add notes per line item. You have the option to remove an item as it is checked off, or to retain it with the checkmark.

If you really want to get fancy, you can even add location notifications to the list so that you are prompted when the device detects you have arrived or departed from someplace. Overall, it seems to cover everything you want it to do.

I second this. We use the built-in Reminders app for shopping lists etc. and it's is shared between me and my wife. Works flawless.
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Well-known member
Those unicorns better be woke and cross-platform compatible. Just sayin'.


Anyone have an app that'll guide me through wiping my rear end? Has to have a chat option so I can get live feedback from my crew.
On that note.... since I use pen and paper for the list....
If I forget the toilet paper I can just use the list.
Single use only tho.


Well-known member
On that note.... since I use pen and paper for the list....
If I forget the toilet paper I can just use the list.
Single use only tho.
Well, if you were REALLY the rugged expeditioner, you could probably get more uses … just saying!??

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