Looks like there's one coming. I just wonder when.
The short and very non-committal answer is 3-6 months-ish.
The long answer is, we need to raise some cash. Our main developer (Sam) doesn't have an Android phone, and obviously needs one to be able to effectively test the app. We have an Android developer who is also willing to volunteer, which would really speed things up, but he'll need the app software in order to help. So we need about $600 (best guess), unless someone has an old Android phone laying around they'd like to ship to Peru

We're working on setting up some ways on the site to raise cash, via donations, selling branded stuff, and potentially ad space. And we're hoping that we can do some type of unofficial kickstarter to raise the money for the Android app quickly. We're pretty hell bent on keeping this site free, and that means that finding the cash to pay expenses takes a bit more ingenuity. All that said, if any of you Android fans out there know a thing or two about fundraising, then I could really use some help.