IPad mapping app that allows stylus use


If there isn't an app, there should be one. I am looking for a mapping app that you can use a stylus on. If I use Google maps for routing and use the directions to get from A to B, it routes me on freeways. Even if I choose no highways, I still get routed differently than what I want. I would like to draw my own routes following the roads. What would be even better is different colors for alternatives. Any ideas? Bear in mind, I am not the sharpest when it comes to techy things. Thank-you.


Google maps DOES allow you to alter the route.

Grab the line once routed by default and you can alter the route by dragging the line to another road.


Okay, I know you can do that on a laptop but didn't try it on my ipad. I would really like a stylus enabled app though with different colors. And. Where I can add notes about where I was like a short blog.

There must be something I am missing here because when I try to grab a road on my iPad it just moves the map around like you are zooming in and out.
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Sorry this is a bit techie, but iOS devices can use styluses, but they just input devices. Sorta like your finger but not as thick. Tons of folks will sell you some.

But that's only part of what you're asking. You also want a map you can draw on. Like highlighting a AAA map, no? you'd have to get a map you could import into a drawing/painting app, and then mark over it. I think some PDF apps would let you freehand draw over a PDF map as well.

But that's VERY different from what Google maps does. With that you are SELECTING a route, not DRAWING a route. It's a huge difference. Google has coordinates of roads stored and is smart enough to know you've chosen a particular road, and then sticks your route on top of it. VERY different than when you draw, like on that AAA map, where your highlighter is free to wobble all over, even right out into the ocean.

Unfortunately, the map app in iOS isn't as full featured as the desktop version, which can allow you to route all over the place, as long as Google recognizes a road there (not true for lots of backcountry stuff)

You could look at Trimble's Hunt and Fish nav app; I seem to recall that you can use an online web-based tool to draw routes that will snap to roads, and then download those routes to its nav app.

I haven't seen something that could allow you to create tons of routes on an iPad on one map view by dragging them around like you can do on a desktop. Sorry.


robgendreau: okay, you helped a lot with the suggestions to use a drawing app or Trimbles. I am a creative person and can actually draw so was puzzled when frdmskr said a stylus was a Windows thing. I have Procreate and Art Studio on my iPad mini and a stylus works great. I found something else, I think, a PDF app called PDF Expert which you can edit the PDF document. I have yet to try it as I just downloaded the app when Adobe Reader couldn't edit and suggested the PDF Expert app. I will let you know. I have Avenza and Trimble, among other mapping apps. I will try them plus the drawing apps. Report in a day or so. The key is a PDF file of a map of which a filename:pdf Google search yields lots. Thanks.

Sorry about the smiley face but I am just using the quick reply.


I have two Readdle apps for pdf files: Documents and PDF Expert. I can bring pdf maps into these two apps and edit with a pen in different thicknesses and colors. I have yet to find a way to import my Avenza pdf maps into either program. i suppose I could do a Google filename:pDF advanced search to find them but what a pita. Meanwhile, I can keep busy with what maps I have in both programs. I also downloaded some brochures and other info sheets into these apps. An app for converting web pages called PDF converter is also helpful but works better if there is an option to print the page like on BLM sites.

BLM has some amazing maps on their Montecello and Moab District links that you can bring into Avenza and the pdf apps. They are very detailed and are referenced in Avenza which means they use GSP.

Anyone else have any helpful ideas?

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