iPhone 6 and 6 Plus


Expedition Leader

Are you freakin' KIDDING me?

You link to articles that say, 'Yes, Apple runs sweatshops - but the other sweatshops are worse"!

In other words - Apple IS EVIL, but they are the LESSER EVIL.

And what? That's supposed to be a good thing?

(Yea, haven I know I said I was done, but after I read those links...I mean c'mon...had to say SOMETHING. Now I'm really done. For real. No really, I mean it. Sorry again.)

you're so quick to condemn one company but no another. Hmmmmm Interesting. Why don't you ever go into android threads condemning them?


Expedition Leader
Hmmmmm ........... let's not turn this into a anti-corporate America discussion. I have both Apple (iPad Air) and Google (Galaxy S4) products. Each serves it purpose (well the iPad Air is a POS, browser crashes and can't open large PDF's).

On one side we have Apple fanbois who will move to the iPhone6 irregardless of Apple security issues. They want the bling. Google code is a mess, a hackers heaven. But Google is eating Apples lunch. On the other side we have the bash corporate America crowd who can't see through the political positions.

In addition in both cases YOU are the product as they sell your data. At its core, they have no other real product other than you.

Oh, and Steve Jobs was an *******. Everyone knew it. Was he different? Mostly not.

Apple and Google biggest challenge is that as consumers become aware they only use 10-12 apps, the perceived value of the smartphone declines to 0.
never understood why people trash talk apple fanboys, but not droid fanboys.
Now here's what I find amusing...

People who figure that security isn't important, just because the world is insecure. Or they figure that privacy isn't important, just because no one has any privacy.

That's putting the cart before the horse.

Privacy IS important. Security IS important. If the systems owned by the lords and masters of the world DON'T respect or bother with either, then those systems are broken and need to be fixed, and those lords and masters are (to quote Douglas Adams): "A bunch of mindless jerks who'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes."

But to say that "it's okay - everyone does it" is SO LAME, it makes me roll my eyes and mime gagging myself with a spoon. I mean really, I thought everyone learned back in grade school that the reasoning behind THAT excuse doesn't pass muster."

It is incredibly lame to say everyone does it, but you cannot refute that this is the world we live in. Corruption, hacking, data theft, all part of our world not if you like it or not.

Privacy iS important (yet millions open their lives up on Facebook on a daily basis). Security IS important, but all of that security is only safe for a little while. Hackers and nefarious government programs from any given country do not discriminate or negotiate compromises based off of ideology.

"It's Okay, Everyone does it" Is the foundation of the new (insert culture) consumers right to spend their money however they see fit. You are part of a digital fabric and the instruments that you use to access that data are manufactured in a place I will never see, or care about. If it does not affect me, why should I care?

This is the internal dialogue some may have, or others may not even have the cognitive ability to manifest.

But try not to put words in peoples mouths because there is some sort of trigger statement in the response. ( I think that is what happened there?)

This thread has degraded into something akin to a religious bloviation <--- not a real word but sounds good.

What is amusing is how fanatical people get when someone mentions God, Justin Beiber, and Apple. All on an off road forum no less!

haha Gotta love it!


Expedition Leader
Some people need lives, ..... and a job

Apple Fanbois (and girls) already lining up for NEW iPHONE
You know, that one that hasn't even been announced yet?

Apple has yet to formally introduce or set a release date for its next iPhone, but that hasn't stopped rabid fans of iStuff from queuing up for Cupertino's next shiny release.

Customers in New York have already begun camping out in front of the company's flagship store for the honor (and attention) of being the first in line to acquire a phone that the company has yet to confirm exists.

The punters, who according to CNBC paid $2,500 to acquire the pole position for the next iThing, are named Jason and Moon Ray (yes, Moon Ray. We're not making that up.) and along with a pair of paid line-sitters are seeking to break a "record" of 18 days of iWaiting......


I need to go talk to them, the thing doesn't last 3 hours on standby!

The replacement program is suppose to cover I5 mfg up to Jan2013, my serial didnt qualify yet my phone does not last 8 hours with as much stuff turned off.. I went they ran a diagnostic and the battery was not showing faulty but because it doesnt last ling i have to alway charge it and the diagnostic showed my battery had over 550 charges so they replaced for free


Expedition Leader
"Sorry I crapped on your thread"

No problem. Threads take unexpected turns sometimes. Discussions about security of personal data and poor working conditions are worth having.

Apple is among the world's most profitable companies (#15 on Forbes' global list; the top three are Chinese banks), so they deserve to be held to account for their business practices. When poor treatment of workers by Apple's Chinese contractors, particularly at Foxxconn, is publicized, Apple executives always say they want to improve the situation. But progress has been slow. Is that Apple's fault? Foxxconn? The Chinese government, turning a blind eye? Probably all of the above.

Apple is one of several companies that use Foxxconn for manufacturing. Others include HP, Dell, Motorola, Google, Cisco and Amazon. Somehow, it's always Apple that gets criticized for using Foxxconn.


The replacement program is suppose to cover I5 mfg up to Jan2013, my serial didnt qualify yet my phone does not last 8 hours with as much stuff turned off.. I went they ran a diagnostic and the battery was not showing faulty but because it doesnt last ling i have to alway charge it and the diagnostic showed my battery had over 550 charges so they replaced for free



Expedition Leader
Here are some iPhone 6 specs revealed today

iPhone 6 — 4.7 inch display 1334x750 pixels
(iPhone 5S screen 4 inch 1136x640 pixels)
suggested price $199 for 16 GB storage, plus two year contract
32 GB $299, $64 GB $399

iPhone 6 Plus — 5.5 inch display, 1920 x1080 pixels
suggested price $100 more than 6 with same storage

iPhone 5S price now $99 plus contract. iPhone 5C free with contract.

Pre-orders start on Friday. Phones ship Sept 19.

Features mentioned:

new horizontal mode for iPhone 6 Plus
home screen goes horizontal too

A8 processor
twice as many transistors as A7
25% faster CPU, 50% faster graphics than A7
50% more energy efficient
20 nm process, 64 bit support

updated M8 coprocessor

LTE speeds up to 150 mbps using carrier aggregation
802.11AC WiFi support, up to 150 mbits/second

ships with support for 20 LTE frequency bands
support for VOLTE (Voice over LTE) and WiFi calling

8 megapixel camera has new sensor
1.5 micron pixels, f/2.2 aperture (same as 5S)
auto focus is twice as fast
6 has digital image stabilization, 6 Plus gets optical image stabilization

front-facing camera has new sensor, new selfie burst mode

Video recording 1080p at 30 or 60 fps
special slo-mo mode 240 fps
also time lapse photo mode for movies

battery life is somewhat improved
if iPhone 5S gets 10 hours of WiFi browsing, 6 gets 11 hours, 6 Plus gets 12 hours
pretty impressive, considering the larger number of pixels on the screen

thickness 6.9 mm for the 6, 7.1 mm for 6 Plus. 5S is 7.6 mm thick.

older apps, designed for smaller screens, “just work” (auto scaled) on the new larger screens

one handed mode
double tap the Touch ID button and top half of image displayed slides down into lower half of the screen (lower half slides off the screen)
puts buttons on top half within thumb reach


Expedition Leader
I've been waiting for a new one and I have a contract that expired a few months back. iPhone 6 here I come.


Tail-End Charlie
never understood why people trash talk apple fanboys, but not droid fanboys.

You obviously don't know me, and don't know jack about me. But of course, that doesn't stop you from acting like you know it all.

I don't have a Droid. I don't have a smartphone. I had a milspec Motorola (which I loved because it was so tough, you could use it to beat a Nazi to death and it would still work so you could order a pizza for the after-Nazi-beatdown party), but they shut down the iDen network that it was on. And since Google now owns Motorola, not going to buy from Motorola anymore. (Eric Schmidt publicly stated, "If you're not doing anything wrong, you've got nothing to hide". That's fascist propaganda. Once again, I vote with my dollars. I vote nay to Google.)

Now I use a Qualcomm LG. Battery charges from dead to full charge in under an hour - have to recharge once a week - once in a while twice in a week if I've been using it non-stop. Don't need or want a smartphone. As a network engineer with 12 years experience, I can categorically state that they all suck. (I mean, c'mon...Ingress? Are you kidding me? That's got to be just about the cheesiest computer game since Pac-Man. That's to be expected though - smart phones are seriously cheesy computers.)

But I have used Linux since it first came out as a complete OS (Slackware GNU/Linux 1.0, 1993, kernel v0.99 (which sucked so everyone ended up having to downgrade to v0.98 stable)). Android OS is a decent Linux based OS, and I use it on my hacked and rooted Nook ebook reader.

And for the record, politically speaking, I'm not a liberal. I'm really more sort of anarchistic. (Don't worry though - I don't expect you to know the difference.)

'''Zhuangzi wrote, "A petty thief is put in jail. A great brigand becomes a ruler of a Nation."'
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