Is a FJ62 a bad idea as a “expedition” rig?


You can always go used and save tons of money over new or rebuilt. CruiserParts has used A440s for $750 with warranty. But they also have a new H55F for $2595 and a rebuilt t-case for $1250. All depends on which direction you want to go with your Cruiser.


New member
Thoughts after purchasing a FJ62

A little history after seeing my first FJ40 in high school I always wanted a Toyota LC. So after 10 years and driving a Datsun 510 wagon and Subaru Loyale I finally had the chance to buy a new vehicle. I went back and forth between 4 runners, Toyota Trucks, FJ 40's, FJ 62's, diesel trucks and an assortment of other vehicles. I finally settled between a 40 and 62. The 62 won out because it had more room, newer, and to buy a nice 40 was at least $7000.

I bought my 62 last February in Seattle, I took the train from Montana and picked it up and drove it back the same night. I had to put trust in it driving it home across Washington, Idaho, and into MT. So here are some thoughts.

1. It is called cruiser for a reason you cruise in it, if you want something fast buy a sports car.
2. Yes it does suck gas.
3. Looks cool especially when you walk into a parking lot and go hey who owns that bitchen cruiser, oh I do :)
4. I had problem with the battery draining but now it is working fine.
5. There will always be a nicer cruiser out there so be happy with what you have. Just do your research before you buy I looked on craiglist for a good year. Of course the Cruiser owned by the grandma got away.
6. Drive something that makes you happy.

Deleted member 9101

I agree with driving what you love. That’s why I ride this pig. Its heavy and under powered by today’s standards. But it makes me smile every time I climb on it.


I ride a CB 900, and I have people tell me its "slow and heavy"..then on a track day I obliterate them... Motorcycles = 90% rider = 5% bike + 5% luck

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