Is anyone else waiting on a trailer from Four Leaf Clover Fab?


I was wondering if anyone else on the forum is still waiting on a trailer from Simon at Four Leaf Clover fab? I placed an order with him back in November of 2020 and I still don't have anything. To make matters worse, he has a set of wheels and tires I purchased separately as well as supporting accessories to the tune of over $500. I haven't heard from him since Jan 19th so I have no idea what's going on. I know his mom was in the hospital and he was sick but at this point it's been so long that I don't know what to think at this point. I know it's not his primary gig making trailers so I wanted to see if anyone else is dealing with the same issues.


Well-known member
I suggest acting quickly. With the looming economic problems and massive inflation I think we're about to see a bunch of problems in RV, boat, and Trailer Land with people that put down deposits in 2020 money but the small under-capitalized shops are now building (and living) with 2022 prices. There may be a lot of unkept promises and unhappy customers from small and mid-sized shops, especially if they are importing a lot of their materials.

I absolutely hope I'm wrong, but I'm old enough to have weathered a few of these economic cycles and its not going to be pretty for small shops. I am not disparaging your shop specifically (my advice applies to anyone waiting on a build from any company). I suggest you recoup your deposit and any materials you gave them as quickly as you can unless you can see a photo and VIN of your specific trailer being produced and have a firm and believable delivery date in the very near future. Sorry - I hope it works out.


Officious Intermeddler
Just looked at their bare bones website. I hope you get your trailer in time for this summer’s travels.

My thoughts would be, one should not be too quick to give a bunch of money to a newer company that’s web presence does not give you a specific physical location/address of the business and does not give you any business licensing info or the full names of the owners!

I know that’s water under the bridge for you though. Their phone does work and get answered, btw.

But Geeze, without this basic info to let you vet a company, you could find yourself dealing with freakin ghosts!

(I’m not saying that is the situation here tho, just sharing some general precautionary advice)
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Well-known member
Boy thier website looks pretty simple and does not give much information. It says located in SF area. Did you sign a contract? On instagram they posted several times a month until Aug of 2021. Then radio silence. Do you know anyone who bought one of these trailers?


If they have your wheels and tires and other accessories, you must have either had them delivered, or dropped them off, therefore you have or can find a former address. I would make this an in-person visit if I were you.


If they have your wheels and tires and other accessories, you must have either had them delivered, or dropped them off, therefore you have or can find a former address. I would make this an in-person visit if I were you.

Depends on the amount of money deposited and travel cost to make the visit. I might cut bait. Chalk it up to lessons learned.


I have his home address where the tires were shipped and I know the coordinates of his shop in Fremont where he is storing the wheels/tires. I just called and left him a voicemail. The number on his website is his cell phone. I'm out $2,333.12 for the deposit and another $779.51 for the wheels/tires. I just sent an email to the Los Gatos PD where he supposedly lives. I know the town had previously shut him down for building trailers in his yard(presumably without the proper license/permits) so hopefully the local PD will be helpful.
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I have his home address where the tires were shipped and I know the coordinates of his shop in Fremont where he is storing the wheels/tires. I just called and left him a voicemail. The number on his website is his cell phone. I'm out $2,333.12 for the deposit and another $779.51 for the wheels/tires. I just sent an email to the Los Gatos PD where he supposedly lives. I know the town had previously shut him down for building trailers in his yard(presumably without the proper license/permits) so hopefully the local PD will be helpful.

That sux. Not sure where you live in relation to his shop / home - but you have a very strong chance of showing up and finding everything closed down / moved / vanished. FWIW - it was an easy google search to find his name. Looks like he was active on LinkedIn around a week ago. The fab shop is shown closed as of January 2021 in his profile there.
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I live about an hour away from his home address. I know I'm not the only person dealing with the same issue. Making the trailer's isn't his primary gig and I know the company that he works for as his primary gig but not looking to do anything with that information. I just want my money back for the trailer and the things I bought to go with the trailer.
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I live about an hour away from his home address. I know I'm not the only person dealing with the same issue. Making the trailer's isn't his primary gig and I know the company that he works for as his primary gig but not looking to do anything with that information. I just want my money back for the trailer and the things I bought to go with the trailer.

good luck. At least he isn't dead or something.


Active member
That really sucks to hear and I wish you nothing but luck! I did a lot of homework before placing an order for our trailer, there were definitely cheaper options out there from tiny/new shops but they didn't offer what we were looking for and at the end of the day I wasn't going to shell over any money to anyone that I felt like they might cut and run. Too many nightmare stories in the off-road/vehicle world of shops funding existing projects with deposits from new orders, never being able to get caught up, and eventually just disappearing with money and parts that don't belong to them.

Considering you placed your order in 2020 and it's now 2022 it sure seems like you're going to end up learning a hard lesson about tiny shops and individuals running side businesses. Building trailers not being their primary source of income should've been a red-flag as well, along with all of the other red flags (shut down by PD due to likely zoning or permit issues, etc).

Wish I had more encouraging words, but I've seen people in this situation too many times. :(

Do you have a signed contract for the build/purchase of the trailer? A receipt for the deposit and receipt of wheels? Anything that states the deposit is refundable? Anything that provides an estimated completion date? Basically wondering if you have any documentation that would hold up in court if you end up going down that road.
Those involved have been contacted. I am not hard to reach. Email, phone call, text message, Instagram, pony express. Not closing shop. Fulfilling orders as fast as one person can and not sending junk out in the process. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me.


I just want to know how long for you folks to get your trailers? I put my order in on Black Friday of 2020 and I am still waiting. When did you put your order in and how long did it take for you to take delivery? Reason I ask is it seems like some people are getting their trailers ahead of me.

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