Is it always this way or more due to the increase in camping interest due to covid-19?


Well-known member
my observation, here in BC..... there is no uptake in camping. All the camping areas, back country, boondocking, or bona fide Camp Grounds are dead compared to previous years.

Yeah, asking prices for equipment, vehicles, trailers are thru the roof but are they selling? Sure the market has changed, sure foreign travel is dead, sure there is an uptake in perception that local vacations should skyrocket. But in reality, we are learning to stay home. There is no astronomical increase in the desire to camp, overland, given time I'll bet all travel will drop. A reset is here we just don't see it yet. But No, there will not be a crowd banging down yer door to buy yer used camper.


Well-known member
The world will never see what we considered normal ever again.
That said, a lot of people with too many toys will be unloading them.
Eventually, those that are stuck with them will be asking you to take it away for free.
On the money, change is unpredictable but i agree, you nailed it.


Well-known member
my observation, here in BC..... there is no uptake in camping. All the camping areas, back country, boondocking, or bona fide Camp Grounds are dead compared to previous years.

Yeah, asking prices for equipment, vehicles, trailers are thru the roof but are they selling? Sure the market has changed, sure foreign travel is dead, sure there is an uptake in perception that local vacations should skyrocket. But in reality, we are learning to stay home. There is no astronomical increase in the desire to camp, overland, given time I'll bet all travel will drop. A reset is here we just don't see it yet. But No, there will not be a crowd banging down yer door to buy yer used camper.

Huh? BC Highways are full of RVs and cars loaded for camping. There hasn't been an uptick in the back country because it will take people 1-3 years to figure there isn't a 1000' cliff at the end of the pavement.

Buddy of mine sells vehicle parts. Sales for cheap camping roof/bike racks are through the roof. People want something cheep because "next year they'll fly somewhere".
Everything being sold used is selling for "New" prices including old used lawnmowers and riding mowers wth is wrong with this world. Everyone is doing it. Yes some things hold their value but they don't hold that much and certainly don't increase in value.


nomadic man
I thought when all this went down, that a small engine repair business would be a good one going forward.
Still think so too,


Kapitis Indagatoris
Nah.....Its the old man trick of telling the wife he's selling that RV, Camper, Sports Car, Motorcycle, Gun, Playboy magazine collection, etc....pricing outrageously so no one will actually buys it and then "honestly" tells the wife no one has bought it, so gotta keep it.....


Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
I am afraid it's the new reality. it takes time to sink in but it's probably a good thing at the end. Less waste and people will be more careful with their assets.

Case in point - I am looking at a pristine 2007 Sea-Doo right now. The seller is asking $5000.

While researching this specific model today, I found posts from 2011 where the forum members are advising a potential buyer of the same model not to pay more than $5000 - again in 2011, so at that time it would have been 4 years old.

10 years later it is offered for about the same price...(adjusted for inflation, it would be $5700 in 2011, so only $700 depreciation in 9 years.).

Same with bicycles, camper, trailer, etc.


Expedition Leader
I am afraid it's the new reality. it takes time to sink in but it's probably a good thing at the end. Less waste and people will be more careful with their assets.

Case in point - I am looking at a pristine 2007 Sea-Doo right now. The seller is asking $5000.

While researching this specific model today, I found posts from 2011 where the forum members are advising a potential buyer of the same model not to pay more than $5000 - again in 2011, so at that time it would have been 4 years old.

10 years later it is offered for about the same price...(adjusted for inflation, it would be $5700 in 2011, so only $700 depreciation in 9 years.).

Same with bicycles, camper, trailer, etc.
10yr old seado that runs is worth about 2% over scrap value?


Oil eater.
The FWC market is one thing (very very few used for sale, even dealers who had stock are out of stock), but the Sprinter van market is a whole other ball of wax. I've seen people adding up every last receipt, including sales tax, fuel costs to drive to get parts, misc oddball costs you wouldn't expect to see, etc. Then they list the FULL price for every penny they have invested, and that's the selling price. $99,712 for a Sprinter 4x4 with simple upholstered wall panels, Maxxair fan, 2 wheelwell cabinets, basic electrical, wheels/tires. And these are individuals, not a business trying to cover costs so they can make a profit to keep building Sprinter vans for customers. But...the Sprinter van market is hot and there are people who don't know better who will fall for it.
Here in San Diego I frequently see FWC campers sit for 10 days or more on Craigslist. The owners have a fortune in them and are trying to unload at a premium price to repay the bank I guess. Can't beat them if you beat your truck up out there but how many guys do?


Well-known member
Same thing with trucks, last two I've bought new since the used market was only a couple grand less after negotiating.
Same thing with motorcycles and it seems real estate too.
Ill see the same property listed way too high, relisted again and again, some have been in this cycle for a few years. Yes, I've been looking this long....
I've always had the mindset that if I don't want something anymore, I price it appropriately and it's usually gone within a month.
The only thing I can think is that they either don't need to sell, or they've bought on credit and are underwater on the loan and can't afford to sell for less.


Supply and demand. Very basic, but consider demand doesn't even need to go up for prices to increase.

Shut down the supply, raw materials to make the products or finished products as has been done in many places (including imports). Like has been mentioned, there were already wait times for many of these items and now the waits are increased to where only the most patient will wait for them. If you drop the supply enough, the demand doesn't have to go up. Demand can remain steady and can even decrease. The demand only has to outstrip the supply and...Prices go up.

Probably many factors at play here including what everyone's been saying:
- No supply (long waits are equal to no supply) so prices go up
- People are in financial trouble and need to sell, but can't afford to take a loss
- People just trying to take an opportunity to sell while prices are high (I have put a couple things out there at prices higher than I would pay, I don't need to sell, not really sure I even want to sell, but if they are willing to pay that premium I would sell).


Oil eater.
Busy here in Alberta. Lots of RV's on the road and campsites book up fast.
Central California campgrounds on down are booked up solid through October. Everybody's off and spending their stimulus money and unemployment.
Concerning property values,it went up 6% last year in San Diego. Lot of cash buyers coming in the agents are saying.


Expedition Leader
Same thing with trucks, last two I've bought new since the used market was only a couple grand less after negotiating.
Same thing with motorcycles and it seems real estate too.
Ill see the same property listed way too high, relisted again and again, some have been in this cycle for a few years. Yes, I've been looking this long....
I've always had the mindset that if I don't want something anymore, I price it appropriately and it's usually gone within a month.
The only thing I can think is that they either don't need to sell, or they've bought on credit and are underwater on the loan and can't afford to sell for less.
Property shopping I target the houses that didn’t get bought and re bought at peaks or too much given they clearly can’t go lower than what they paid. Unless they go foreclosure. Yes the property flip game sell before 2 yrs are up recycling listing prices is a fools game these days buyers can see the history?


A lot of people are impatient and want it now. Sometimes I think people like to brag about how much they paid for something, upping their social status. I mean who wants to say they got a truck for 55k when 70k sounds better.

I consider myself a purchasing agent for our household, just like if I worked for a company and had to source materials,etc.

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