Is the Tacoma enough truck?


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
There'd have to a rule or regulation the Trooper is enforcing. The reason in Colorado you don't have to stop is the vehicle laws. It doesn't matter if it's a permanent or mobile weight station, they have to testing against something.

There nothing I've ever been able to find that requires non-CDL individuals to adhere to FHWA or manufacturer weight ratings under 26,001 lbs.

One thing they might be able to cite you for is if you're registered wrong. If you have regular light truck plates your maximum empty truck weight is 16,000 lbs and if you have recreational truck plates it's 10,000 lbs.

I'm not aware of any weight laws on trailers other than you must have brakes when it weighs more than 3,000 lbs. There's the axle weight, which is 20,000 for any single and 36,000 lbs on Interstates and 40,000 for other highways for tandems. There's several laws about weight with respect to heavy trucks on bridges and overweight permits.

There's a general catch-all for an "unsafe" vehicle. But that doesn't say anything about weight. It also doesn't exclude weight, so I guess that would be an opinion of the officer and court.

That's of course specific to Colorado, but I'm even less familiar with laws in other states. So I'm of course making assumptions.

I'd really like to know if there are laws otherwise, I really would.


I'm not a fan of 8ft beds....My job doesn't require and parking in CA is hell enough with a 6ft.

Not a problem in Idaho! :D

My motive for wanting an 8' bed again is being able to get a couple dirt bikes in there and shut the tailgate. Though I already have a 5X8 utility trailer for the it is like have a fullsize truck bed, without having a fullsize truck.

It is the never ending search for the "perfect setup"....while what I already have works damn well.

Gearing gets you into the able to drive legal speed limits. The ONLY place I have an issue is that damn 4-5 mile up hill on I15 into LV. LOL! But that has a slow truck lane so not a big deal...

I go back and forth on if I should of gotten the SC. Sometimes I say I wish I had it other times I don't think it matters.
The biggest issue with the SC I had was the need for 91 octane or better.

Have you seen...Gas prices are on the way up again...$4 in CA now...

(EDIT: BTW I'm a little better off than most on gearing changes because I have the 6sp Manual...more options open on re-gear and no computers to fight with).

I can generally can hold the speed limit...but some of the climbs I have to scream the engine to do so. Generally like to run about 2400 rpm. 65 in 5th on level ground is 2400 rpm. But the climb from Lowman to Stanely it strains a little in 5th...have to drop to 4th and do 60 at 2600 rpm. 65 in 4th is around 3000...which is a little harder than I like to run it. So 60 in 4th it is.

Not much traffic on the back don't really have to deal with other vehicles. If I am holding someone up...I'll pull over.

I just do not understand. If you don't need or want to do truck things with your truck you can buy a hell of a lot of car for HD truck money. It's like they never grew out of the pretending to be a big rig driver phase

Well it is America after-all, have to uphold a certain image. I don't "get" that whole status thing...but that is just me.

Those guys probably should be driving Little Big Rigs to stroke their egos. :D

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Well it is America after-all, have to uphold a certain image. I don't "get" that whole status thing...but that is just me.

Those guys probably should be driving Little Big Rigs to stroke their egos. :D

I get the image thing to some degree if it's genuine. Like I didn't buy my Rover to impress anyone, I bought it because I like it and I like wrenching but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I like the image I'm projecting by driving around in a trail-worn old Land Rover, usually dirty, with a safari rack and quad old-school round Hellas even when I'm just taking it to work or to get groceries. I enjoy getting smiles and waves, I enjoy that people who appreciate vintage 4x4s often approach me to chat or compliment it at the gas station or in parking lots and no matter what I park next to it still stands out a bit.

But... like... the bro truck guys do realize that they really aren't standing out in a good way to anybody, right? Do they actually think that people think they're manly for rolling coal? Do they think people admire them for Fox shocks and low profile Mud Terrains(again.. why? If it's low profile why not just use street tires? I don't get.)? Is it all tongue-in-cheek trolling?


I get the image thing to some degree if it's genuine. Like I didn't buy my Rover to impress anyone, I bought it because I like it and I like wrenching but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I like the image I'm projecting by driving around in a trail-worn old Land Rover, usually dirty, with a safari rack and quad old-school round Hellas even when I'm just taking it to work or to get groceries. I enjoy getting smiles and waves, I enjoy that people who appreciate vintage 4x4s often approach me to chat or compliment it at the gas station or in parking lots and no matter what I park next to it still stands out a bit.

I got the same when I had my VW Westy...but those are kinda anti-status. Kinda like driving a cartoon. errrrr...well used to be...cherry Splitties are going for $100K+ now.

But... like... the bro truck guys do realize that they really aren't standing out in a good way to anybody, right? Do they actually think that people think they're manly for rolling coal? Do they think people admire them for Fox shocks and low profile Mud Terrains(again.. why? If it's low profile why not just use street tires? I don't get.)? Is it all tongue-in-cheek trolling?

I have to assume that they are absolutely clueless. Saw a set of low profile mud tires in the back of Commercial Tire delivery truck today...thought to myself those are going on a Bro-Truck that will never see dirt.

Was coming back from a trip one day, pulled into a gas station to fuel up. My beatup old Tacoma and myself are covered with filth. Some dude in a super clean Bro-Dozer pulls in behind me....I said to him..."Man, don't think that thing has ever seen dirt!" He kinda looked me up and down, then sneered at me. "Hey, nice bedazzled jeans too!" My mouth is going to get me shot one of these days... :D


Active member
Yeah, if you're talking weigh stations and such.

But they've been targeting RV parks now. Sitting right down the road. I guess someone caused a big accident or something. They're concentrating on half tons towing 5th wheels, for now.

Wow! I would say in my travels I see a lot over weight.
I did a lot of upgrades...I wish there was a way to re-evaluate after someone improves the original vehicle....
I am on the edge but with updates not even noticeable.


Active member
My biggest worry when I've flirted with the GVWR in my Tacoma carrying 5 people + a loaded down bed(on way to a music festival... kegs are heavy and compact) my biggest worry was insurance. It didn't look remotely overloaded where a cop would want to check but as unlikely as it is, if you get in an accident and your insurer works out that you were overweight it's grounds to not pay up and that could sting.
My guess that would be a very interesting lawsuit. Laws haven't caught up to the non-commercial overweight. But truth is a lot of people would probably not try to counter?
As I stated in another post. I've invested in lots of updates that improve on original gvwr...there should be a process to reevaluate if its going to become basis for insurance or lawsuits...


Active member
but some of the climbs I have to scream the engine to do so
Ha! I drive it like I stole it. Always high rpms even unloaded. I live at 7000ft inclines of 6 to 16%....I figure that is what keeps the 4.0 healthy, lol!
@175k miles and I still trust it to take me to Montana and back no questions....


It's not that diesel doesn't make sense for most HD buyers, it's that a 6.7 liter twin-turbo diesel putting out 1000 ft-lbs of torque is simply unnecessary for nearly everyone.

The heck is wrong with you??? I'd recommend seeing a therapist....


Having owned a Dakota and an F350..dakota has only 2 advantages.

1. Can park anywhere
2. has half decent mpg

pretty much everything else, my F350 does better. I love my long bed. Ill never go smaller. The crew cab has ridiculous amount of room. Both of my trucks have been crew cab and the difference is huge. A 150qt cooler barely fit in my dakota back seat. In the F350, I have room for almost a person to sit on the side.

might not be best for tight trails, but its got so many more benefits.


Ha! I drive it like I stole it. Always high rpms even unloaded. I live at 7000ft inclines of 6 to 16%....I figure that is what keeps the 4.0 healthy, lol!
@175k miles and I still trust it to take me to Montana and back no questions....

A diesel would fit my driving style better... like to just lope along. Kinda why I like those 300 2-Strokes...put it 3rd gear and just cruise the trails.


Don't be boring, BeDazzling, brah!

Dooood! ha ha!

Idaho is a strange place...lotsa of "tough guy" rednecks here...but man, do they like those bedazzled jeans, it is the weirdest thing.

Went to my first rodeo a couple years ago...and I am thinking to myself..."lotsa sparkly jeans here...I mean damn! where the ffff..... am I!?" At least they played Pantera when the bull riders came out.

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