I'm a lousy cook at home, forget it off in the woods! Some people are great at art-others fixing a truck-some at sports and yes cooking as well. No matter how hard I try I just suck at cooking. If it can be burnt-done that. If it can be under cooked-Yup! Too much salt-Oh yes! Bland-of course! Forget, forgot, left, too much, and then there's the reaction. "Oh my god that is revolting", "Dad can we do take out", "Thank god I did not marry you for your cooking", "Good thing we brought our own". Yes I'm afraid it is that bad. I was looking for a thread on a list of a week's worth of food items and easy to create, tasty meals so I don't have to find a chef to follow me around the globe cooking meals. MREs are not an option
I'm working on an Amazon Overlander Drone Food Delivery...............Just kidding on that one before rabid critics start a thread of abuse about Amazon delivering to the edge of the Grand Canyon. Thanks and looking forward to hearing from all of the Chefs and great ideas out there........