Officious Intermeddler
I haven't been to any of the Yaak/Yahk places but Yaak looks like it has two bars and nothing else... while Yahk has a building with goats on the roof. Clearly once the border's back open a YAAK TO YAHK rally is in order!
Be sure to Bring your fishing rod...this is a absolutely great, remote, uncrowded place in northern Montana for
some very enjoyable fly fishing.

“Use of the Yaak River is generally quite low. Most of the fishing and floating pressure on the Yaak River comes from the local population, as few out-state fisherman make their way up to this remote and isolated section of Montana on a fly fishing trip.
The Yaak region of Montana is known for its extensive wildlife, including grizzly bears, black bears and a healthy population of moose. The river itself offers good trout fishing both above and below Yaak Falls. And in the rivers lower stretches, the Yaak offers the daring floater some wonderful rafting or kayaking opportunities.
Fishing the Yaak
The Yaak River is a fine river to fly fish. The Yaak offers up average sized rainbows, cutthroats and a healthy population of larger brook trout....The Yaak River region is very isolated. Not surprisingly, fly fishing pressure on the Yaak is quite low, with the bulk of all fishermen being locals. Thus, the Yaak River can provide a visiting angler with a fine opportunity to fish in an un-crowded river in a remote, quiet setting.“

Fishing the Yaak River in Montana | Fishing, Floating Information & Photos
The Yaak River is a scenic river in far Northwest Montana. The Yaak offers quality trout fishing in a remote and secluded environment. The Yaak's claim to fame is excellent brook trout fishing in the rivers upper half.