ISO Camper Trailer


New member
Hello there! Okay, I have been scoping out the Hiker Trailers and the Moby 1 ($$$), after finally deciding the Airstream Basecamp and Happier Camper not for me. I was torn, becuase I like the toy hauling ability of those, but the lack of off road abilities and no water storage was a deterrent.

So, besides the Hiker and Moby1 - what are other options/brands I should look at - I am ready to purchase. I need under 3K weight (tow with Subaru Outback), want AC/Heat option of some sort, must have water storage, option for Hot water heater (on demand okay)/shower (outside mounted okay), and be able to sit and sleep in trailer - no RTT for me. Portable toilet option preferred, with some area in back/outside for cooking and able to have awning and add room/screen room.

Would like to still buy this season for fall camping adventures if possible!


Where you located?

Have you checked out the Into the Wild Overland Boreas XT? They are solid campers that will last forever and let you drag them anywhere you're willing to go. They have an AC option and everything else you mentioned is standard. You could place a toilet in the ARB awning room (if added to the awning) and you'd be set.


New member
HI! sorry, am in the middle of the midwest - Indiana.
and no, i haven't seen those - will go look them up!


I'm biased since I have one, but a FWC on a flatbed trailer is an awesome setup that would tick all your boxes. The year and specs of the camper will dictate your final cost, but the total package could be had for quite a bit less than the options you mention above.

1. Woodford State Park - before VOBS.JPG


Not sure if you have seen my Teardrop for sale but here is the link:
It doesn't have all the amenities you are looking for but the area under the rear hatch is a blank canvass, you could add an AC, sink, hot water heater, kitchen, whatever you like. Also due to the 20+ inches of ground clearance you have plenty of room for a tank onboard water, not to mention all of the room on the front platform.

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