More battery's I can do. But less heat ? IT's the desert ! LOL
1" Glass-wood-glass outside wall with 2 1/2" foam in inside,3" in the ceiling and 3" in the floor (sprayed in).
Have been learning about adjusting my tank less. I'm getting closer to the way it needs to be,but ?
Was up at 6000 ft. and had to adjust again. Its the less BTU's going up thing.
As for heaters ? have a 12,000 and a 24,000 ? I need heat like 3 times a year. But the future owner will probable like more ? Need to think ( "after me?")
For to day I got the side mounting rail's drilled and temp mounted. Now need to pull the box back in and put back up on the can's and cut some strap off to clear the new mount.
May also do a off road test on Saturday if I get the box mounted. Would like to see how it works off road ?