It's a jeep thing


Expedition Leader
:sombrero: I don't know, maybe TJ, or JK 2dr--

I'm 6'4" also and I never have trouble with exit clearance !

Jeeps are weird !

:costumed-smiley-007:bike_rider: JIMBO

goin camping

:sombrero:Man I can't understand what you're talking about, especially if it's happened to you ONE TIME !

I've been getting in/out of my JKUR for over 5 years and never had an event like you're describing-

Maybe you don't know how to get in/out of a jeep, or are under 5'5" tall !!!


:costumed-smiley-007:wings:m JIMBO

My JKU has a s staple shaped door latch. No belt loops are harmed.

My YJ has a post. All right rear belt loops ripped out.
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You drag around enough spare parts to build another jeep.

Haha! This one!

Also, intentionally seeking out the jerk that parks over the line so I can park a few inches from his door. Not having any doors has many benefits...

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Haha! This one!

Also, intentionally seeking out the jerk that parks over the line so I can park a few inches from his door. Not having any doors has many benefits...

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Ha! I do this even with my doors on. I figured if they open their door, they're just going to hit my rails. Being able to look out to see how close your tires are to another car is great.

I've also never had the belt loop problem.

The back window is annoying, especially when cold, but it was a good day when I realized I could flip the window up onto the top for quick access (instead of rolling it and using the straps). And storing the sail panels under the rubber mat to keep the wind from taking them.


New member
Hearing the sounds of all the different rattles and shakes that change throughout the rpm range.

and you know what each noise is and the cost/time it takes to address each issue. oh, and have a long story about what it took to fix it the first time, just not the right way the first time.


You spend hours on end reading through troll boards,,,,, trying to find that opinion to help you buy your next Jeep product!


Willing Wanderer
Taking the hard top off at the first of spring only to be rained on for a week, then puting it back on when you've had enough and you get nothing but sunshine! Also, how about freezing to death driving around topless in the spring and fall.

Expedition Essentials

Approved Vendor : Expedition Essentials
Thinking all the time: if this idiot tailgating me on the freeway only realized how much pain he could be in if I had to make a sudden stop.


Having a vehicle you can pull up to a store in and just hop out an go in. No putting up the windows, locking the doors, or setting an alarm. You don't have anything of perceived value that jerkoffs think is worth stealing! Your vehicle's valuables are the smiles it gives you while driving it.:smiley_drive: Ever see a Jeep at a psychiatrist's office?


First stop light = brakes pull right
Second stop light = brakes pull left

Gotta love XJ/TJ front brakes. What a joke. I'll be remedying this with a big brake kit soon

13mpg with a 6 cylinder. Yes I re-geared.

XJ guys will have experienced the dirt line across the back of the jeans when getting out of a dirty Jeep.


I have spent the morning smiling and laughing at these they are all too true!!!!!

I have three more to add:

1. Insisting to the wife or friends that we take the Jeep cause it makes ME happy
2. Using the Jeep for long daily commutes (mines 120 per day) and refusing to drive anything but the Jeep because it is not THAT BAD on gas....
3. Waving at Jeeps on the road when you are a passenger in a friends or spouses Non-Jeep Vehicle... I laugh every time


I've been trying to figure out where I know all these Jeep owners from! It seems as if all of them are waving at me for some reason. When the pretty girls in Wranglers wave, I seem to like that and it doesn't bother me. The dudes that wave are freaking me out. I wish they would stop!

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