I woke up early last Thursday, picked up my brother, then headed to the rental car company. Rental cars are $$$ for a one way trip, but it was cheaper than flying. Plus we had the option of driving tye rental back if the van ended up being a turd.
Our lovely rental.
Some scenery on the way there.
I drove the whole way. It ended up being around 16hrs to get there with the few stops. The rental got great mpg.
We grabbed a motel room. To our surprise there was an event setting up next door. "Rockabilly Reunion" So me and my brother stashed a few beers in our pockets and went to check it out. It was only the setup, but there were a few cars there already and a ton of vendors.
The next morning we headed to the dealer. The van started easily. There is a few minor scratches that could be buffed out. Overall it was in great shape for a 10yr old vehicle.
They drove us to California to sign some paperwork, something about an out lf state sale to save on taxes.
We did some minor sight seeing before we left.
London Bridge
I'm jealous of everyone being able to drive their utv's on the road, the wide open places to ride and camp, etc.
Then we headed back home.
My fancy dashcam setup. "AutoBoy BlackBox" I recommend it to anyone looking to turn an old phone into a dashcam
More importantly, TorquePro to monitor some vitals.
The oil/coolant temp stayed within 10° of each other. Turbo spooled up good. Injectors all buzzed. Everything went pretty smoothly.
Me and my brother took turns driving home. A truckstop pillow aided in some decent sleep. We were gone for almost exactly 48hrs, 2100+ miles.
We averaged 16mpg on the way home. Pretty decent. Most of the miles were on i10 with a 80mph speed limit. It did better when my brother was driving though, I go the speed limit and he tends to drive 5-10mph over.
I've been driving it around some the last few days. I'm extremely happy with the purchase.