I saw that camper when it was for sale; Great to see it's being put to good use. What's your opinion on exploring in the FWC versus the days when you were camping out of your Cruiser? Really wanting to put a camper on my Tundra but haven't pulled the trigger yet.
We are trying to use it to it's full potential.
The camper doesn't seem to make any difference to the truck, it really doesn't feel like it's on the truck off road. Because ours is a shell and we keep our gear on the floor, that seems to help with keeping the weight low and COG low.
Obviously, the LC was more built than the truck, so I was able to travel over rougher terrain and to do it faster. The truck is the limit right now, not the camper. As far as camping, it's not even close. We are loving it and are really glad that we did it. It is so much easier than finding a spot, making sure the tent will fit, setting up, putting away a tent that is damp on the floor (ground moisture), etc. We basically went from an hour set up/tear down to about 20 minutes (maybe 30 with the Pett toilet).
I did loose about 2mpg once the camper was mounted. I plan to add a deflector to the cab of the truck to help get the air up and over the camper vs. taking it straight on and under the "cabover" portion of the camper. I'm hoping to pick up at least 1 mpg back with that addition. We'll see.
I would highly recommend a camper, as long as you keep it light and respect it for what it is. We have a big Lance for the highway runs, so it was very tempting to find a FWC with all the amenities, but we realized that we had all the gear from years of vehicle camping and all that extra stuff just adds weight and moves the COG up, which we didn't want.
We are more willing to do the quick trips vs. with the LC, it is just much easier with the camper. I don't think you would regret it, we don't.