Adventure Ready
In the works soon!Setting everything else aside, a video of the production facilities would be welcome.
In the works soon!Setting everything else aside, a video of the production facilities would be welcome.
And just in case you thought I was exaggerating on the harm Ok4WD is intentionally causing, this posted just popped up this weekend on Facebook. There are dozens of these types of things.
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No I’m not. And I’m not trying to sell anything either. Just trying to defend a brand from a paying sponsor who’s intentionally trying to harm another company. You decide what’s more important.Are you a paying sponsor on these forums?
We have less than 2% warranty rate with James Baroud. ?sure seems like a lot of people have trouble with the Baroud and maybe that has caused more harm than anything. seems like a hand crafted product that cost what it does should not have issues to begin with.
No I’m not. And I’m not trying to sell anything either. Just trying to defend a brand from a paying sponsor who’s intentionally trying to harm another company. You decide what’s more important.
You decide what’s most important to you. It’s unfortunate for everyone if that’s your takeaway - whoever spends more money is right.You would have more credibility if you were a paying sponsor. Your signature may be in line with an "Observer" but you sure are promoting your business. I hope this back and forth nonsense works out for you. Take it offline and settle your differences.
Uh huh...The only thing you are missing is the "Buy Now" and now you want to get into a pissing contest with me, possibly a future customer of yours?
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Simply because it is damaging to our income, and it’s being done purposefully and without conscience or regret. We are trying to better the US overland community - have been since we opened our doors. We did not start this embarrassing online fight but I feel we have no choice but to defend the brand we represent because serious harm is being done to not only us but our community as a whole. I regret with all my being that this is happening but I know how easy it is to resolve if certain people will just do the right thing, and also how many “pilers on” there are online. It’s unfortunate but true nowadays that to be silent is to die.I posted the divorce counseling link in jest, but it really is a shame this is still dragging on.
I've never been a customer of either vendor or purchased a James Baroud product, but I've read about all three on multiple forums. Other than this mess, all three usually come off well, and appear to care for their customers.
I can't recall if OK4WD has anything other than a grudge to pursue at this point, but I can understand why Adventure Ready is less than pleased with the continuing disinformation campaign. If there's some unfulfilled obligation between JB, AR, and OK, write some checks and be done with it. It hurts all three businesses.
If that isn't the case, and assuming everything is legal, it's still unseemly in my eyes for a competitor to tacitly promote the idea that JB is out of business, or continue to interfere with customer communications. I appreciate seeing competitors try to be better than each other, not drag the others down.
1) James Baroud parted ways with OK4WD due to their conflict of interest with importing and distributing Alu-Cab tents. OK4WD was given numerous warnings over the course of over a year...
They should if that's the agreement reached between the involved parties.Warnings... So a dealer should only sell one brand of tire, one brand of lift, one brand of bumpers?