Hey John, I just had a look at your Honda element page. Cool little vehicle, I have never seen them here in Aus.
Must admit that makes me a bit jealous when I saw the price you guys can get this stuff for, even though our Ausie dollar is not that strong at the moment, you are still half the price. I might take a drive to Canada too. How far is that, or maybe I will need my boat.
You had some good points about the attention to detail, I am fussy as hell. I will be picking mine up from a dealer here in Perth so will be having a really good look. The Autohome brand did not even have a dealer on the West coast of Australia and wanted over $900 delivery from the east, so that was a deal breaker for me without being able to see the Airtop other than a few small photos. I went down to the James Baroud dealer three times having a good look at their own unit, got out my tape measure to check how well it was going to fit with my rack and lights. Even got to put it up and down a few times, just to be happy.