I was punished for having too much fun. Brakes started making a lovely grinding noise... Passenger rear went like a breeze, 10 mins from tire off to back on, but the pads werent that low....
Quick easy brake job right?!
Drivers side, oh joy. Blue wrench, PB and hammer were all used. Slide pin was stuck, it sheared off inside the carrier... I pulled the end plug and nothing was breaking it loose. Air hammer, heat nothing.
Note it didnt shear at the threads....
I guess that was enough for the night, luckily I could take my little car to work since its not supposed to rain.... Parts were ordered.
Back to the roof rack.
Drill hole for awning mounts.
Cut sleeves for awning mount holes. I want the rack sealed, a drilled hole will rust... I am trying not to have a rusty roof rack like the last one.
Flush on the top
Proud on the bottom so that the bracket will sit nicely across the bottom of the larger main hoop.
Also added tabs for NMO mounts for ham and CB. One on each back corner, should clear the hatch and the awning by ~1/4"
Off to get powder coated and blasted this morning!