Overhog, most diesel truck owners buy a $60k truck and gut the cats, remove the DPF's right out of the gate completely voiding their powertrain warranty in the process. I dont think the folks we're marketing this to are that concerned with a notoriously shoddy dealer warranty. What I would be "worried about" is the JK engine conversion companies. We specialize in Toyotas. Actually, if your warranty argument held water, there would be no JK engine conversion companies as nobody would risk voiding their warranty.
The true price is hidden into the cost of the vehicle. Yes, you can buy a big ol' truck with a diesel. But, if you want that diesel you have to buy the "heavy duty" version of the truck. So. if you price out a base model gas and a base model diesel, the difference is far more than that little box on their website says. You're telling me that there's that much additional cost associated in the suspension/frames of the two vehicles? I think not... This paradigm is identical to the VW TDI trim lines, all diesel trucks, even the Jeep grand cherokee diesel line. Cost of a base model Jetta = $17k. Cost of a base model diesel = $24k. "But their website says that the diesel option only adds $1,200!". They make the desirable engine only available in the top tier lines so they can garner more profit. You can bet, if Jeep ever does release a diesel wrangler, it'll only be available on the Rubicon and will still carry a HEAVY premium over a regular rubicon. At the end of the day, I'm not losing any sleep over it. Just thought it curious after reading post after post for years of people begging Jeep for a wrangler, even going so far as to people posting an online petition on the subject. Then we bring one over in a box and get nothing but tire kickers.