JK 2.8 CRD


Like you said, "factory diesel option." As in, buy it from the factory with the diesel already in it so you can roll the expense into the loan. Not many people have $18000 laying around, but could more easily buy a JK with a diesel option from the factory and pay for in through their loan. Look at how many buy an AEV JK with a Hemi, as opposed to buying the motor and conversion kit and tackle the project themselves, out of pocket with up front cash. Hell, I could never afford a Unicat, but i love looking at the Unimog forum to see whats going on and plan my 'Mog build in my head. Don't get mad at the "tire kickers" cause you're now stuck with an $18k motor you can't unload.

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New member
No, as in factory, OEM Jeep. If they were still installed, it would be called a complete vehicle. So what you're saying is that people wanting a diesel JK are only interested if they can go into debt over it? How many people have $18k into their jeeps not including an engine swap? Quite a few...Definitely not "stuck with an $18k motor" simply commenting that it's surprising at the amount of people who on one hand complain about the lack of a factory CRD Jeep option, then when we offer it to them, disappear into the woodwork. By tire kickers, I mean that they're reading the post, seeing the pictures, seeing the price, and calling up with no intention/ability of buying. Are you calling people selling Unimog's with no intention of buying?


TenaciousTJ has a valid point though. Over 90% of vehicles purchased in the states are bought with financing. You can piece together a rig over time that costs $18k, but, like a loan, this occurs over time. Unfortunately, you cannot finance a motor swap package like you can a full car, and most people don't have $18k laying around looking to spend it. I know I sure don't. Some people do, and hopefully they want your motor. I've got the predecessor in my Liberty, and it is an excellent motor.

I wish they wouldn't call you guys though... you seem to have plenty to do! Good luck! I like looking at your site every once and a while to see what you are up to...

Source for financing statistic: http://www.nada.org/NR/rdonlyres/B6...447F36AA97/0/AutomotiveFinancingFAQsFinal.pdf


New member
No, as in factory, OEM Jeep. If they were still installed, it would be called a complete vehicle. So what you're saying is that people wanting a diesel JK are only interested if they can go into debt over it? How many people have $18k into their jeeps not including an engine swap? Quite a few...Definitely not "stuck with an $18k motor" simply commenting that it's surprising at the amount of people who on one hand complain about the lack of a factory CRD Jeep option, then when we offer it to them, disappear into the woodwork. By tire kickers, I mean that they're reading the post, seeing the pictures, seeing the price, and calling up with no intention/ability of buying. Are you calling people selling Unimog's with no intention of buying?


Well, I can tell you with about 99% certainty that a factory diesel option for a JK would not add 18K to the sticker price...Cut that price by 2/3 (maybe more) and then you'd have a lot more seriously interested buyers... The 6.7L cummins option for a new dodge truck is roughly ~6K....I can't see a little 2.8L diesel being more.

Obviously I know your company wouldn't be sustainable if you sold your product for a third of the overhead cost, but maybe that's something to think about before investing in a product that has such a small market----such as $18,000 aftermarket 2.8L Jeep conversions.


New member
Sure glad we stick mainly with Toyotas :) It's really quite remarkable how many "tire kickers" we've seen with this thing. You'd think that all the people griping about the lack of a factory JK diesel option for all these years would be beating our doors down...

Again, is it surprising that people want a factory warrantied, AFFORDABLE diesel JK that can be serviced at any Jeep dealership over a $18K product that could be offered for less than $6K from the dealer? I am worried about the common sense at dieseltoys if that really is a surprise. I would be willing to bet, and this may be a stretch (sarcasm), that there are more people able to finance an extra 5 grand than pay out of pocket 18 grand...hence why we JK'ers aren't crawling out of the woodwork to buy your conversion.


Again, is it surprising that people want a factory warrantied, AFFORDABLE diesel JK that can be serviced at any Jeep dealership over a $18K product that could be offered for less than $6K from the dealer? I am worried about the common sense at dieseltoys if that really is a surprise. I would be willing to bet, and this may be a stretch (sarcasm), that there are more people able to finance an extra 5 grand than pay out of pocket 18 grand...hence why we JK'ers aren't crawling out of the woodwork to buy your conversion.

I wouldn't worry too much about them. They are doing just fine doing conversions for people with the money to pay for it. They wouldn't be in business if they didn't make money. Someone will buy it, because there is someone who really wants a Diesel JK. There business is an expensive niche, but there is a place for them. Buying half-cuts isn't cheap, and neither is shipping them here. However, if you really want a diesel badly right now, you'll have to do it this way until Jeep ships a diesel JK from the factory. Hate to break it to you guys, but its not happening until at least the next Wrangler comes out in 2016, and even then its just a chance.
I don't know their financial situation, but they probably don't have to sell the motor to keep the business afloat. They could just wait until they complete their Toyota orders.
I would just suggest people stop pestering them unless they are truly interested and can pay the cost.


New member
Overhog, most diesel truck owners buy a $60k truck and gut the cats, remove the DPF's right out of the gate completely voiding their powertrain warranty in the process. I dont think the folks we're marketing this to are that concerned with a notoriously shoddy dealer warranty. What I would be "worried about" is the JK engine conversion companies. We specialize in Toyotas. Actually, if your warranty argument held water, there would be no JK engine conversion companies as nobody would risk voiding their warranty.

The true price is hidden into the cost of the vehicle. Yes, you can buy a big ol' truck with a diesel. But, if you want that diesel you have to buy the "heavy duty" version of the truck. So. if you price out a base model gas and a base model diesel, the difference is far more than that little box on their website says. You're telling me that there's that much additional cost associated in the suspension/frames of the two vehicles? I think not... This paradigm is identical to the VW TDI trim lines, all diesel trucks, even the Jeep grand cherokee diesel line. Cost of a base model Jetta = $17k. Cost of a base model diesel = $24k. "But their website says that the diesel option only adds $1,200!". They make the desirable engine only available in the top tier lines so they can garner more profit. You can bet, if Jeep ever does release a diesel wrangler, it'll only be available on the Rubicon and will still carry a HEAVY premium over a regular rubicon. At the end of the day, I'm not losing any sleep over it. Just thought it curious after reading post after post for years of people begging Jeep for a wrangler, even going so far as to people posting an online petition on the subject. Then we bring one over in a box and get nothing but tire kickers.

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
even going so far as to people posting an online petition on the subject.

That was me :D


I totally understand where you are coming from, and I am also surprised nobody has snapped it up.

I'm still madly saving cash for my next expedition, and as yet I have not made a vehicle decision. If I had, and if it were a JK, I would very likely buy this engine.
At this point, I think I could buy a used 2007 Rubi Unlimited and put an engine like this in it, or buy a new (or near new) Rubi Unlimited for similar money. One has a diesel, one does not.

Thanks for making it available for us enthusiasts, I'm sure somebody will snap it up and be extremely happy.

I have all my fingers and toes crossed the 3.0 swap won't be too hard or expensive. Time will tell.


2025 deleted member

Well-known member
It is not unreasonable to expect people kicking tires to be able to actually afford what they are looking at. I too would be upset. If your worried about a loan you shouldn't be looking anyways IMO.
Like you said, "factory diesel option." As in, buy it from the factory with the diesel already in it so you can roll the expense into the loan. Not many people have $18000 laying around, but could more easily buy a JK with a diesel option from the factory and pay for in through their loan. Look at how many buy an AEV JK with a Hemi, as opposed to buying the motor and conversion kit and tackle the project themselves, out of pocket with up front cash. Hell, I could never afford a Unicat, but i love looking at the Unimog forum to see whats going on and plan my 'Mog build in my head. Don't get mad at the "tire kickers" cause you're now stuck with an $18k motor you can't unload.

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New member
It is not unreasonable to expect people kicking tires to be able to actually afford what they are looking at. I too would be upset. If your worried about a loan you shouldn't be looking anyways IMO.

Thanks guys! At least now I know Im not crazy ;)


Expedition Leader
I would have jumped on this already had it not been for the pending release of the new Ford Transit van with the 3.2L I-5 diesel engine and the announcement by Quigley that they will convert it... For my use, a jeep is overkill - this will be an expo rig not a rock crawler - and the space inside of a JKU is just too small and the load rating is too low.

I'll probably have to wait a year to get the new van - but that's not much different from how long it would take to do the swap on a jeep and then fit it out for more space / capacity unfortunately.


New member
Overhog, most diesel truck owners buy a $60k truck and gut the cats, remove the DPF's right out of the gate completely voiding their powertrain warranty in the process. I dont think the folks we're marketing this to are that concerned with a notoriously shoddy dealer warranty. What I would be "worried about" is the JK engine conversion companies. We specialize in Toyotas. Actually, if your warranty argument held water, there would be no JK engine conversion companies as nobody would risk voiding their warranty.

The true price is hidden into the cost of the vehicle. Yes, you can buy a big ol' truck with a diesel. But, if you want that diesel you have to buy the "heavy duty" version of the truck. So. if you price out a base model gas and a base model diesel, the difference is far more than that little box on their website says. You're telling me that there's that much additional cost associated in the suspension/frames of the two vehicles? I think not... This paradigm is identical to the VW TDI trim lines, all diesel trucks, even the Jeep grand cherokee diesel line. Cost of a base model Jetta = $17k. Cost of a base model diesel = $24k. "But their website says that the diesel option only adds $1,200!". They make the desirable engine only available in the top tier lines so they can garner more profit. You can bet, if Jeep ever does release a diesel wrangler, it'll only be available on the Rubicon and will still carry a HEAVY premium over a regular rubicon. At the end of the day, I'm not losing any sleep over it. Just thought it curious after reading post after post for years of people begging Jeep for a wrangler, even going so far as to people posting an online petition on the subject. Then we bring one over in a box and get nothing but tire kickers.

I'm someone who generally already purchases the top tier model. So, your argument of an increase in price for selecting the model which offers the diesel is irrelevant to consumers like me.

I understand that there is a market for diesel conversions...but it is significantly smaller than the market for 'stock' 'factory' diesels that are much wiser choices in terms of a cost/benefit analysis (for me)---hence the people not taking you up on your product. Why I got involved is because I felt some aggrevation/condescension in your tone toward people's reluctance to buy your product after their bitching about wanting the same end product you deliver (minus a "shoddy" warranty and the convenience of dealer servicing). My point is that the people bitching about it, are the people who know of their options, but cannot afford your services. So, any malice towards them for not being satisfied with the option you have given them is quite silly since your product is not (or should not) be marketed towards that demographic.

Now, I didn't mean to start some sort of rift, or problem.. But, coming from someone, who, to be honest, probably can afford your conversion, I certainly understand people not being satisfied by your services being the only option, and then end up nowhere to be seen.

As far as the people who know they can't afford it and continue to call and take up your time, I'll agree with that it is bizarre and immature--possibly down right annoying. Lol.

I would love to have a diesel JK, but I certainly prefer to invest elsewhere until a relatively better deal comes along...such as a financable factory option with a shoddy warranty I can exploit at the convenience of a local dealership. :)


Thanks guys! At least now I know Im not crazy ;)

Not crazy at all. I was one of the ones that reached out. I am still interested but may need to invest my funds elsewhere.

Still hope to pick one up.

But you also have to agree that it is not crazy to ask what it would cost, even if you can't afford it right now. Hopefully they could one day get one.


New member
As far as the people who know they can't afford it and continue to call and take up your time, I'll agree with that it is bizarre and immature--possibly down right annoying. Lol.

I would love to have a diesel JK, but I certainly prefer to invest elsewhere until a relatively better deal comes along...such as a financable factory option with a shoddy warranty I can exploit at the convenience of a local dealership. :)

No malice, just frustration towards tire kickers. Keep in mind that 'better deal' may never come along. Some people choose to build the vehicle they want rather than wait for a vehicle that may never be released.

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