JK flatbed from Burnsville Offroad


I'm with upcruiser on this one. The AEV double cab or this on a Wrangler chassis makes more sense to me. Otherwise I would just buy a power wagon.


Expedition Leader
Maybe the truck body was totaled in a wreck, or possibly provided by the person who contracted with Burnsville for this job.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
First, it goes without saying, this is just my opinion. I think the point I was trying to make is that there are reasons to modify our trucks that serve a purpose, then there are reasons that seem to be for making them look cooler for the sake of looking cooler. I am the first to admit that a beautiful automotive design gets my juices flowing and that a tastefully built rig kitted out to go explore does similarly. Where as what AEV did was a comprehensive redesign of a Jeep JK, using ALOT of in house produced components and engineers, Building a vehicle that was quite purposeful. I feel this PW conversion is more of a drop a body onto an already perfectly useful vehicle just to make it look cooler when in fact it likely adversely affects the usefulness by (and I am only speculating) decreasing the interior space while using the same chasis. I think the AEV stuff is dead sexy for sure, but it is more than just a skin deep kinda sexy.:) I am not bashing the Burnsville truck, was just making a point that it would probably appeal to an enthusiast with different motivations. Some of the most historically beautiful 4x4's were considered such not for striking design, but simple utility. Case in point, the Land Rover series trucks, the original Bantam and Willy's JP's, the FJ 40. These are vehicles that are iconic and often used as styling inspirations. I don't think anyone would argue that an H3, an FJ Cruiser or other such stylized or retro vehicles will ever attain such status despite them being great trucks. There is almost a sense of nonauthenticity which i think leads to alot of folks not embracing them. Nothing wrong with driving a vehicle you think looks cool, you shouldn't bother driving something that you don't admire. It Is clear in a place like Expo where you have a huge gathering of enthusiasts that you have folks that participate more for the image than for the experience. It can often be seen in photos and trip reports, kind of like what the Expowives poke fun at.

My opinion, but I think the FJ cruiser could reach this status one day.


I think one thing we run into a lot on here is the difference between the first and second kinds of cool, I think it makes it easier in a conversation if we call it this, the first kind of cool being functionality, the utility kind of cool, something you can use, the second kind of cool being what you just feel is down right sexy or something that gets under your skin. this, would be a second kind of cool.


Expedition Leader
I'll chime in with my opinion here, just because. ;) I like the concept, if not the actual execution. Jeep has been without a FS pickup a long time now. Even a mid sized Jeep that has the ability to tow would be nice. Required or needed? Prob. not...and also prob. not very good at large volume sales. But if they would quit teasing us with a pick up (Brute) then maybe we would quit wishing for one. :(
As for the BOF version...Well, unless one had DEEP pockets or a couple damaged vehicles laying around it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. If you did then cool... but not likely. The upgrade to possibly stronger axles and drivetrain improvments would be a plus provided the dodge ball joints aren't an issue. But I just can't see doing this without a diesel as the base. Gonna tow then go with the pros.
The last complaint I have is the bed... It really does have a very unfinished look to it. Like they just bought an off the shelf flatbed and slapped it on there. I would think that some skirts or bed boxes would help that a great deal but in its current form it just doesn't do it for me...
So how about BOR goes for round two, try again please?


SE Expedition Society
The PW should've been a Jeep to begin with and more suited to offroading than to luxury.
The creature comforts of my PW are largely wasted on me but I couldn't get the truck without them in 2011.

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