Great idea and a neat light. Where did you pick that up?
Does Rebel Offroad offer any discounts on their Tailgater table if you call? I can't decide between the Springtail, Tailgater and building my own. The tailgater seems the nicest and most funtional. The Springtail is almost as nice but you sarcrifice the solid surface for mollle, but it is almost half the price. And I know I could build one from channel aluminum and HDPE for about $50, but those $50 projects have a way of turning into $100 projects that you end up scrapping and just buying Frontrunner's interior shelf.
I have the ebay one.
works great and i use the molle bags all the time. I added a piece of cutting board recently. works great.
For those of you that have built your own, can you please provide a parts list and where you purchased the parts? I believe there is an earlier post with some of this info. Thx.