JK TJ and CJ tailgate measurements?


New member
Anyone have the measurements for a JK, TJ and CJ tailgate and how far the hinges stick out to the side? I'm looking for a tailgate for my M416, and needed to verify what fits and what doesn't. Thanks!


Expedition Leader
This is a CJ tailgate on a Dinoot fiberglass military trailer replica (same size tub as M146). CJ, YJ and TJ tailgates are 36" wide. YJ and TJ tailgates open to the side; the tub side base of TJ hinges is too wide to fit on the M416 but it may be that the base of YJ hinges could fit. JK tailgates are just over 42' wide, so they're too wide to fit an M416.




New member
This is a CJ tailgate on a Dinoot fiberglass military trailer replica (same size tub as M146). CJ, YJ and TJ tailgates are 36" wide. YJ and TJ tailgates open to the side; the tub side base of TJ hinges is too wide to fit on the M416 but it may be that the base of YJ hinges could fit. JK tailgates are just over 42' wide, so they're too wide to fit an M416.


Thank you! It looks like the YJ and TJ hinges will fit on the top, but not the bottom unless a custom mount is created. May consider that, or using smaller, standard hinges to mount it.


Expedition Leader
I measured a YJ hinge this morning; YJ hinges will bolt to either YJ or TJ tailgates. The body side of the YJ hinge ends about 4" beyond the edge of the tailgate. A YJ ot TJ tailgate being 36", and the bottom of an M416 tub being 42" wide, YJ hinges stick out too far for them to be used on a YJ or TJ tailgate centered on the 42" bottom of the tub, they'll stick out about 1" beyond the edge of the tub. An angle bracket bolted to the side of the tub could possibly be used to install a lower YJ hinge, something to consider.
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