So, I had the chance to take my off-road experience to the next level this summer in Colorado. I had done some fairly easy driving taking the Castle Valley overlook side trip from the Sand Flats route so when I reached Ouray, I decided to tackle something a little harder. I had read the Alpine Loop was on the easier side of the moderate ratings. That might be true, if you start from Silverton. I started from the Ouray end. It definitely had me tensed, but I really did alright. I should have removed my hitch as that got me stuck at one point, but I was able to maneuver my way out. Truth be told, I would not have driven it if I would have known how hard it was before I started. Looking at older videos of the route, it seems as though it has grown more difficult as more of the road gets washed away and more rock is exposed. I also hit the Alta Lakes road, Yankee Boy Basin, East and West Dallas Creek Roads, and Last Dollar around Ridgway and Telluride. In Crested Butte I went up several roads but can't remember them all. I started up towards Schofield, past Gothic, but the road was too far under water so I ventured back. All in all, I got used to airing down and driving in 4L and 1st.
I was very pleased, overall with the way the JK performed. As I am pretty far from home, with limited repair skills, and limited budget, I play it fairly conservative. In the past, I really considered ditching the running boards on my Sahara due to concern of getting hung up on rocks. That was not an issue. For now, they stay. If I am parked at an angle, it is quite a climb up into the JK, especially when wearing a dress.
In addition, I was towing my new T@b trailer and it towed very well. The only trouble I had was when I was driving all day in the plains at 100+ degree weather and then it wasn't really so much trouble. The radiator was running a little warm. I found that If I killed the A/C for a bit the temperature dropped. Do you guys think this is anything to be concerned about? I still have the extended warranty, if they didn't try to weasel out of it due to my mods.