JKU cargo area camper mods?

goin camping

Can anyone post a link or pics of the rear of a JKU that has been modded for travel and camping?

I tried the search function but came up with very little.



Expedition Leader
:sombrero: I travel all over Nv/Ca, but with a trailer-




I carry all coolers/cooking/tent/equip. in the trailer and in my jeep I carry all the non-perishable food/clothes/sleeping bags/recovery gear-

Good luck

:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO


New member
:sombrero: I travel all over Nv/Ca, but with a trailer-




I carry all coolers/cooking/tent/equip. in the trailer and in my jeep I carry all the non-perishable food/clothes/sleeping bags/recovery gear-

Good luck

:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO

How tall can you be and sleep in the back of a jku, seats forward and hatch closed? That's a nice setup you have there.


How tall can you be and sleep in the back of a jku, seats forward and hatch closed? That's a nice setup you have there.

I'm 5-9 and have a bunch of room left on the passenger side. I can't have the seat all the way forward, or the headrest goes down between the seats... I need it up to prop up my pillow. I would imagine once you get to 6' or so, things get tight.


Expedition Leader
:sombrero: Well, the platform could be raised for a little/lot more room, but that would restrict the vertical clearance-

How tall can you be and sleep in the back of a jku, seats forward and hatch closed? That's a nice setup you have there.

The platform is 8" above the cargo deck and I use Schedule 40/2" PCV for the legs (7)-

Using the back of the folded rear seats (headrests off)w spacers, for the three forward supports-(10) total

I'm 6'4" and my wife and I have used it when predators are around, but it sure ain't my California King bed at home-

I can get about 73" sleeping space outta the passenger side--(ports in storms), so sleeping in my jeep is for quickies (?) or danger-I have trailer/ground tents for regular sleeping--sweet/w big HD airmattress-

Good luck

:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO


Expedition Leader
:sombrero: There are 1000 ways of modifying the JKU for sleeping/camping/cooking/mating/partying-etc

Jimbo, how did you attach the Schedule 40 pipe to the plywood platform?

I used the schedule 40 endcaps and attached them (loosely) to the underside of the platform-
They are spaced for recovery gear storage/turnbuckle attachment (4) ea-and floor space requirements-this makes for an easy removal of the platform--(5 minutes)-and with the jeeps sides/tailgate/front seats--it's SOLID ASA ROCK

these platforms look awesome. Got the gears going for 2015!

Good luck, I don't know if there's any significant cargo measurements difference, except the audio "woofer"--mine has been long gone !

You must be one hell of a loud snorer.

Heh Heh, thats one of a set of three I use for firearm (rifles/pistols) testing/load experiments/100 thru 1000 yards

I'm 10 minutes away from the NorNv desert !

One of many spots-100yd/Weatherby .243/70gr BTHP-Sierra


:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO

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